The Municipality of Port Hope commenced its strategic planning in January 2019 and built upon the Municipality's prior strategic planning efforts.

Recognizing that community engagement is a key element of Council's decision-making process, the development of this strategic plan has advanced in a way that has been consultative, transparent and has offered multiple opportunities for public participation.

As such, the consultation process began with two community input sessions for members of the public, and two similar sessions for Municipal Staff, all of which were facilitated by a professional consultant and took place over two days.

In addition, an online community consultation was launched at the beginning of February and included a month-long comment period. All consultation participants, at the in-person sessions and online, were asked to respond to the following questions:

All of the comments, suggestions and feedback collected throughout the online consultation process and at the in-person sessions were circulated to Council and Municipal Directors. After reviewing these comments, Council and Directors participated in a full-day, facilitated strategic planning session. During this exercise, they collectively responded to the questions noted; incorporated the public input; defined the desired future state of the Municipality; and developed priorities and objectives for the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan.
