AN OVERVIEW OF Special Education
At-home activities, beyond paper and pencil, are another critical element that can bolster learning along the way.
Special education is designed to meet unique needs of children with special needs, ages 3 through 21. Military OneSource offers tools and resources to help you navigate the system. Start here to learn about the special education process, including eligibility, relevant laws and regulations, moving (including overseas) and graduating or leaving school.
About the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ( ensures that all children with special needs have access to a "free appropriate public education" ( and they have the necessary tools to meet their educational goals. The act governs how states and public agencies, including the Department of Defense, provide early intervention, special education and related services to eligible children with disabilities, ages birth through 21.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act assists with early intervention services for eligible children, birth to age 3, and special education services for eligible children, ages 3 to 21, in three specific areas: • Identification • Evaluation • Delivery Children qualify for special education based on guidelines set by the state and Department of Defense.
Relevant Regulations
The U.S. Department of Education uses specific regulations that implement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (!/detail/194) in public schools in the United States and its territories. States then create guidance to supplement these regulations. You can find state regulations on state education agency websites.
The Department of Defense school system operates under The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ( ensures that all children with special needs have access to a "free appropriate public education" ( and they have the necessary tools to meet their educational goals. The act governs how states and public agencies, including the Department of Defense, provide early intervention, special education and related services to eligible children with disabilities, ages birth through 21. Eligibility The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act assists with early intervention services for eligible children, birth to age 3, and special education services for eligible children, ages 3 to 21, in three specific areas: • Identification • Evaluation • Delivery Department of Defense policy as outlined in Department of Defense Instruction 1342.12, "Implementation of Early Intervention and Special Education Services to Eligible DoD Dependents," June 17, 2015 ( It includes these guiding principles: • Free appropriate public education. This principle makes sure every child, regardless of disability, has the right to attend a public school and receive an education tailored to achieve his or her highest potential. • Appropriate evaluation. The testing process is regulated so children receive the best individualized education placement and services. • The individualized education program, or IEP. This written document is created for every child in the public school system who's eligible for special education. It's drafted by an interdisciplinary team and reviewed every year. • Least restrictive environment. This principle requires that students with disabilities share the same setting, as much as possible while still meeting their needs, with students who do not have disabilities. • Parent and teacher participation. This principle establishes the importance of parents and teachers working together to achieve their children's educational goals. • Procedural safeguards. These are in place to protect the rights of families with special needs.
Moving with an IEP
Moving with an IEP The act also protects your child's educational progress when you move to a new school district. School districts must provide comparable services that honor the previous school's IEP. Keep in mind, the new school district may not necessarily recreate the same program. When a student with an IEP transfers, the new school must: • Provide free and appropriate public education • Include services comparable to those in your child's current IEP Resources vary according to location. In some cases, they may be better than those available at your last duty station. Reach out to the school's counselors and teachers who will develop a new IEP for your child after your move. Bring current copies of your child's IEP and eligibility records before transferring to start similar services immediately in your new location. See Moving With an IEP for more information (
Moving Overseas
Moving Overseas The Department of Defense Education Activity special education website ( lists special education relocation suggestions and contacts for families moving overseas. Parents should contact the responsible spe cial education coordinator if a child receiving special education also requires: • Special equipment • Assistive technology • Individualized paraprofessional support If you need help with a PCS, be sure to reach out to your local installation's EFMP Military Family Support Center.
Graduating or Leaving School
Young adults with disabilities can find a number of continuing education and work opportunities within their communities. You can help find these opportunities by calling your local state vocational rehabilitation program. Learn how to advocate for your child within the school system by contacting your Center for Parent Information and Resources ( No matter what stage of life, individuals with special needs deserve a quality education just like everyone else. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is in place to open classroom doors to every child and help all students to be their best academically. The Exceptional Family Member Program provides family support, education and much more. Contact a Military OneSource special needs consultant ( if you have any questions or concerns regarding the care and education of your family member with special needs. See the Special Education Fact Sheet for more information (!/detail/203).

SCREEN FOR QUALITY: Do not give up screen time, but rather help your child manage it. Share screens. No matter your child's age, watch and listen to books on devices together. Discuss as you go. Re-watch and share a laugh or a tear.
Person-center planning helps individuals with disabilities direct their own lives -- with options to plan housing, work, finances and more. Here are some questions and answers that can help you better understand person-centered planning, how it can help and how you might fit into the process.
• Brings the individual together with a team of family, friends, neighbors, employers, community members and healthcare professionals to fifind out what is important to the person with the disability, now and in the future • Matches the wants and needs of a person with a disability ( existing services, adapts existing services to better suit the person or creates new services if required • Gives people with disabilities and their families more control over services and the direction of their lives • Helps people with disabilities accomplish their goals and fifit in and contribute to society in a personalized way, rather than passively accepting services based solely on their diagnosis and condition • Finds ways for the person with the disability to develop the skills and abilities needed to work toward achieving his or her goals and having more control in his or her life
• Focuses on the person with the disabilities, not the planner • Focuses on the person's strengths, not deficits • Helps alleviate isolation, stigmatizing labels, loss of opportunity and loss of hope
Person-centered planning aims to help the person with disabilities do the following: • Live in the community • Choose his or her own services and housing • Develop his or her own skills and interests • Be treated with respect • Find a valued social role • Find meaningful independent relationships
• An unbiased facilitator: Facilitators encourage brainstorming during the meeting and help identify friends, family or professionals that can help keep the plan on track. • Advocates: Disability service advocates can help find resources, discuss options, help with evaluating plans and services, and assist the person with the disability become a self-advocate. In some cases, this may be a person with knowledge of disability law. • Family members and friends: Immediate and extended family members and close friends can weigh options and help with informed decision making.
• Your installation Exceptional Family Member Program ( Military Family Support Center and Military OneSource can assist with finding person-centered planning facilitators and resources. Although facilitators and related resources will most likely come with a fee, a consultation with your installation Exceptional Family Member Program or Military OneSource is free. Call 800-342-9647 to speak with a consultant and be connected to experts on a wide range of topics relevant to families with special needs including education, independent living and more. (mili- • State-Provided Resources: State-provided adult services specialists may be available in some states. You can search for programs and organizations providing advocacy at by entering "advocate" and your state. • University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities: A Center for Excellence is another great resource for finding person-centered planning facilitators. To locate a center in your state, visit the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities website (
The more you know about how you fit into the planning process, the more you can help meet the goals of the person with the disability. To assist with planning, it's useful to become familiar with some of the following: • Preparation: An Internet search for "person-centered planning toolkit" should provide resources to help you prepare for the planning meeting. • Organization: Get organized with the Special Care Organizational Record for Adults With Special Health Care Needs (!/detail/142). • Disability services and rights: People with disabilities have certain rights under the law ( ing-the-americans-with-disabilities-act). • Many benefits are available for people with disabilities. Visit to find out what Social Security benefits, medical services, employment, housing, transportation, respite care and other forms of assistance are available at the federal level. The site also has links to state benefits. Military OneSource special needs consultants (militaryone- can answer your questions and concerns about the care and education of your child or adult family member with special needs. Call us at 800-342-9647.