The Master of Business Administration degree at FIDM offers a professionally oriented curriculum combining theory and practical application incorporating a broad range of integrated interdisciplinary areas of study. The program involves a strong and distinctive emphasis on innovative business development design concepts with broad global consideration and the enhancement of entrepreneurial creativity. The FIDM MBA Program prepares the graduate to enter, compete, and be successful in the global business areas of Fashion, Interior Design, and Entertainment. Whether entering the corporate world or undertaking an entrepreneurial venture, the graduate will be equipped with the necessary business analytical, planning, and management tools; ethical understanding; and leadership skills to be successful.
What Our Students Learn In our program, students analyze, develop, and deliver innovative solutions to real-world business scenarios and entrepreneurial proposals. With a focus on profitability, business students are challenged to think and plan strategically, preparing them to compete in the current global business environment.
Why FIDM With FIDM's industry focus and locations in California's most concentrated business centers, students gain the leadership skills necessary to be competitive in the global design industries. Our MBA program has a strong and distinctive emphasis on innovative business concepts, design, and creativity.
Required classes for MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) (for students with a Bachelor's degree from FIDM or another accredited college/university)
BUMT 4110 Micro & Macro Economics++
BUMT 4130 Financial Literacy++
BUMT 4160 Global Marketing Communications & Management++
BUMT 4180 Global Strategic Management++
BUMT 5010 The Global Economy
BUMT 5050 Library Research
BUMT 5100 Current Global Market Dynamics
BUMT 5200 The Science of Competitive Analysis
BUMT 5250 Financial Analysis & Control
BUMT 5260 Global Financial Strategy
BUMT 5280 Human Resource Management: People, Practices & Profitability+
BUMT 5300 Logistics Management
BUMT 5400 Advanced Strategic Planning & Implementation
BUMT 5500 Strategic Marketing Management
BUMT 5600 Legal Issues that Impact Profitability & Innovation 3
BUMT 5650 Creativity, Innovation & Design in Business
BUMT 5700 Sales Management+
BUMT 5800 Entrepreneurial Ergonomics
BUMT 5900 Capstone Seminar
Total Units of Credit 61
+ Only offered as an online (distance learning) course
++ Pre-MBA Foundation Quarter courses
This program is available on the Los Angeles campus.
Prerequisite: Bachelor's Degree (Accredited college/university)
One-on-one advisement and enrollment in the pre-MBA Foundation Quarter is available to students from non-business majors who wish to apply to this program. Contact the chairperson of the Business Management department for further information.