The Bachelor of Arts in Social Media Program prepares students for careers in social media. Students learn how to identify, engage, and communicate with their target markets and online communities, build and maintain consumer loyalty, and develop techniques to maximize growth. Students use analytics and metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of methods for positioning people, products, organizations, and interest groups in social media contexts in order to develop media campaign strategies.
What Our Students Learn In our program, students work to engage and manage online communities with a focus on narrative and public relations writing, as well as campaign strategies and creative business management. They also learn the analytical tools to quantify the results of online marketing campaigns and make strategic decisions.
Why FIDM As one of the few Social Media degree programs in the country, students participate in three required internships. They also collaborate with companies including Buzzfeed, JustFab, YouTube, Dollar Shave Club, Droga5, Tesla, Inc., PETA, The Metropolitian Museum of Art, and Alison & Partners, forging valuable industry connections and relevant work experience.
Required classes for BACHELOR OF ARTS (B.A.) (for students with a prior FIDM degree or an external Associate's degree in a related field)
BUMT 3600 Management Theory & Principles+
BUMT 3820 Business Law+
BUMT 4600 Marketing Management+
BUMT 4840 Studies in Leadership+
GNST 2370 Applied Statistics
GNST 2570 Microeconomics+
GNST 2870 Macroeconomics+
GNST 3000 World Political History+
GNST 3050 Writing for Business Professionals
GNST 3200 Consumer Social Behavior
GNST 3450 Applied Mathematics
GNST 3500 Professional Presentation+
GNST 3600 Future Trends in Society
GNST 3900 Issues in Contemporary Society+
GRPH 4150 Activated Marketing
SMED 3100 Mobile Application Marketing
SMED 3300 Search Engine Optimization & Analysis
SMED 3400 New Media Narrative Writing
SMED 3700 International Strategies for New Media
SMED 3750 PR Writing for Social Media SMED 3950 Internship
SMED 3950 Internship
SMED 4100 Video Online Marketing
SMED 4100L Video Online Marketing Lab
SMED 4200 Startups & Entrepreneurship
SMED 4300 Ethics in Social Media & Advertising
SMED 4400 Social Media Sales & Consulting
SMED 4600 New Media Community Management
SMED 4750 Strategies in Business Management
SMED 4800 Digital Media Campaign Strategy
SMED 4850 Creative Business Management
SMED 4950 Internship
Total Units of Credit 91
+ Available as an online (distance learning) course
This program starts on the Los Angeles campus.
Prerequisite: FIDM degree in Social Media or an external Associate's degree in a related field
One-on-one advisement is available to students from other FIDM Majors to consider eligibility for special admissions to this program. Contact the appropriate department chairperson.