The Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design Program helps students develop skills in three disciplines — Residential, Commercial, and Interior Product design. Focusing on creative problem-solving, Interior Design students integrate historical perspectives, current and future trends to develop design solutions that are functional, innovative, sustainable, and safe. Effective communication, community advocacy, and collaborative design are emphasized.
What Our Students Learn In our program, students build on the fundamental skills of Interior Design while focusing on projects that meet the needs of a changing population. Students develop polished communication skills and a clear understanding of how the business works.
Why FIDM The Bachelor's Degree Interior Design program gives students the opportunity to delve deeper into residential, commercial, and product design. Specialties like aging-inplace, multi-generational housing, and preservation of historic spaces are explored. Students collaborate on product design projects with industry partners.
Required classes for BACHELOR OF ARTS (B.A.) (for students with a prior FIDM or an external degree in Interior Design)
BDSN 3700 Digital Photographic Image
GNST 2530 Principles of Kinesiology+
GNST 2530L Principles of Kinesiology Lab+
GNST 2570 Microeconomics+
GNST 2630 Principles of Chemistry+
GNST 2870 Macroeconomics+
GNST 3050 Writing for Business Professionals+
GNST 3150 Research on Topics of Design History
GNST 3400 Social Psychology+
GNST 3450 Applied Mathematics
GNST 3550 Psychology of Color & Application
GNST 3800 Icons of Culture: Context of Meaning
INTD 3170 Advanced Residential Design
INTD 3210 Conservation & Historic Preservation
INTD 3410 Specifications & Materials
INTD 3540A Building Systems & Codes I
INTD 3540B Building Systems & Codes II
INTD 3870 Advanced Commercial Design
INTD 4120 Interior Product Design
INTD 4130 Surface Pattern Design
INTD 4510 Special Topics
INTD 4520 Construction Documents & Details
INTD 4530 Practicum
INTD 4550A Furniture Design I
INTD 4550B Furniture Design II
INTD 4850 Portfolio
INTD 4900 Senior Design Thesis
INTD Elective: (1) three-unit course
Total Units of Credit 91
+Available as an online (distance learning) course.
Prerequisite: FIDM degree in Interior Design or an external Associate's degree in Interior Design
This program starts in the fall quarter on the Los Angeles campus.
One-on-one advisement is available to students from other FIDM Majors to consider eligibility for special admissions to this program. Contact the appropriate department chairperson.