The Textile Design Program prepares students for successful careers in the creation and styling of printed and woven textiles for apparel and interior design industries. Coursework develops original expression in combination with technical skills through both painting techniques and CAD applications.
What Our Students Learn In our program, students learn the principles and elements of textile design, with an emphasis on both conceptual skills and hands-on techniques.
Why FIDM Students in this major develop a marketable, in-demand specialization within the fashion and interior design industries, as they learn to design and create printed and woven textiles. The program teaches traditional painting techniques as well as how to use the most leading-edge technology for executing textile designs. Students graduate having conceptualized and styled a textile line, which then becomes an integral piece in their professional portfolios. Textile Design graduates go on to careers at bedding, wall covering, and apparel companies such as Target, Nordstrom, White House Black Market, Aztec, and Major Textiles Imports, Inc.
GNST 1040 English Composition
GNST 1230 Color & Design Theory
GNST 1420 Historic Textiles
GNST 1440 Textile Science
GNST 1450 College Mathematics
GNST 1600 Effective Speaking
GNST 1650 Critical Thinking
GNST 2020 Survey of Western Art I
GNST 2420 Survey of Western Art II
GNST 2420 Survey of Western Art II GNST 2960 American Political & Economic History
GNST 2980 Professional Practices
TEXT 1350 Studio Techniques I
TEXT 1350 Studio Techniques I TEXT 1500 Natural Forms
TEXT 1550 Studio Techniques II
TEXT 1750 Creating Fabric Structures (6 hours)*
TEXT 1850 Surface Design for Interior Applications
TEXT 2220 Introduction to Photoshop
TEXT 2240 Introduction to Illustrator
TEXT 2550 Computer-Aided Surface Design I
TEXT 2600 Design for Form & Function
TEXT 2750 Computer-Aided Surface Design II
TEXT 2850 Textile Printing (6 hours)*
TEXT 3150 Trend Analysis
TEXT 4650 Line Development
TEXT 4950 Portfolio Development
TSCI 1800 Fabric Identification
Total Units of Credit 90
REQUIRED CLASSES FOR PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATION (A.A.) (for students with a prior college degree)
GNST 1420 Historic Textiles
GNST 1440 Textile Science
TEXT 1350 Studio Techniques I
TEXT 1550 Studio Techniques II
TEXT 1750 Creating Fabric Structures (6 hours)*
TEXT 1850 Surface Design for Interior Applications
TEXT 2220 Introduction to Photoshop
TEXT 2240 Introduction to Illustrator
TEXT 2550 Computer-Aided Surface Design I
TEXT 2600 Design for Form & Function
TEXT 2750 Computer-Aided Surface Design II
TEXT 2850 Textile Printing (6 hours)*
TEXT 3150 Trend Analysis
TEXT 4650 Line Development
TEXT 4950 Portfolio Development
TSCI 1800 Fabric Identification
Total Units of Credit 60
*Three (3)-hour lab included in 6 hours
For important information about the completion rate, educational debt, and earnings of students who attended this program, go to

[top left] Rug; Class: Creating Fabric Structures; Student: Dohee Lee [top right] Wallpaper; Class: Computer-Aided Surface Design I; Student: Dohee Lee [bottom left] Fabric designed for Chairing Styles; Textile Student: Johari Fields [bottom right] Textile print designs for children's dresses; Student: Josephine Hawley