collection through research and analysis of target customer and current trends in color, fabric and silhouette. They develop a line plan with specifications per style based on the measurements of a fit model matched to their target customer and purchase necessary fabrics and trims to execute the collection. The student is responsible for creating first patterns and sewing the first fit samples. Prerequisites: MPDV 4100, MPDV 4400

MPDV 4600 — 3 UNITS


In this first of two consecutive project-based courses designed to prepare students for the rigor and creative vitality sought by the industry, students use design thinking to research a technical design issue that calls for process or product innovation or improvement. Their project may address opportunities found in underserved markets, emerging technologies, or in global supply chain management. Through a process of human centered discovery, students define and interpret a problem, ideate their concept for resolving it, and identify potential risks to implementation before presenting their solution for review and evaluation to peers and industry representatives. Prerequisite: MPDV 4250

MPDV 4750 — 3 UNITS


Part two of this capstone course culminates in the production and presentation to an industry panel of an apparel collection. Students conduct fit sessions and make pattern corrections for individual styles within the collection. They demonstrate their ability to give detailed, precise and complete instructions (developed in previous pattern drafting and technical design courses) to produce a prototype with industry cutting and sewing contractors; and they validate their time management skills by adhering to schedules and meeting deadlines. Includes a (3) three hour lab. Prerequisite: MPDV 4550

MPDV 4850 — 3 UNITS


In this second component of the MPDV Design Thinking sequence, students develop a complete business strategy for the product or process innovation begun in MPDV 4600 and now linked to a specific brand and target market. The business strategy details specifications, prototypes, experimentation methods, enumerates a budget and costs, describes sourcing strategies including a production timeline, and identifies potential business partners to support and help launch the new product or process. Students then culminate their accomplishment by presenting their new concepts to an industry panel for critique and evaluation. Prerequisite: MPDV 4600


MRCH 1450 — 3 UNITS


This course is an introduction to the methodology of tracking and forecasting trends in the fashion

industry. Students examine how consumer behavior is influenced by macro trends, micro trends, and the fashion trend cycle. This course culminates in a presentation which predicts future trends through the synthesis of research, observation, and data. Prerequisites: TSCI 1440, TSCI 1500

MRCH 1550 — 3 UNITS


This course explores store and non-store retailing formats, structure, purpose, as well as the challenges and integration of retail channels. Students gain an understanding of the retail industry and are exposed to today's global environment. They are introduced to franchising, licensing, branding, and pertinent retail terminology. Career paths and opportunities in the fashion industry are further defined and explored. Prerequisite: MRCH 1100

MRCH 1750 — 3 UNITS


This course gives students insight into the complexity of decision making for buying and planning merchandise assortments and product development. Emphasis is also placed on the application of technology to solve business problems. Students develop problem-solving skills through the analysis of current business practices in merchandising, including buying, assortment planning, pricing, inventory control, and purchase timing. The importance of customer service and developing strategic partnerships with vendors and suppliers is examined.

MRCH 1920 — 3 UNITS


Students integrate their knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create effective digital campaigns for the marketing and merchandising of apparel, footwear and accessories. Emphasis is on innovation and concept design explorations enhanced by computer-aided applications. Prerequisite: GRPH 1000

MRCH 1950 — 3 UNITS


This course is designed to assist the student in developing a facility with electronic spreadsheets in support of effective business management. Students develop a working knowledge of computerized spreadsheet and chart functions as applied to business management concepts with related mathematical formulas and operational requirements.

MRCH 2210 — 3 UNITS


In this course, students learn how to develop effective product placement concepts across a variety of shopping platforms from in-store to electronic devices to increase customer satisfaction, drive sales, and increase profitability. Emphasis is also placed on how data is being used to enhance visual merchandising execution. Prerequisite: MRCH 1550