A Sense of Purpose
For parents with a child with a disability, special plans may be necessary to achieve independence within the community.
As many of EP Magazine’s readers know, planning for the future of a loved one with special needs is a daunting task. A multifaceted approach that factors in social, legal, medical and financial necessities can take years of careful considerations to develop. As Bianca Farr notes in her article “Securing Your Child’s Future: The Importance of Special Needs Trusts,” “A parent’s wish is that their child grows to be an independent, productive member of their community. For parents with a child with a disability, a different approach may be necessary to achieve independence and inclusion within the community.” Hers is just one in a wide selection of articles that can help parents ensure a more secure future for their child in our Annual Financial Planning Issue.
Our cover story, submitted by MassMutual Specialcare, recommends that caregivers host a meeting with their family and/or friends to discuss the future medical, educational, and housing needs of their dependent with special needs. They suggest a range of topics for discussion to help develop a life care plan that best suits the needs of a person with a disability. In "Financial Planning Across the Spectrum," Marta Chmielowicz of Autism Speaks focuses on planning concepts as they relate to the care of autistic loved ones. Partners4Housing founder Pam Blanton tackles tough questions like "What does my family member need to live outside our family home?," "Who will they live with?," and "How will we afford it?" in her article "Questions about Your Loved One's Future Housing."
In "Three Options To Give Your Child With Additional Needs More Financial Security," Graham Caldow writes "A life
plan will enable your child to live their best life. Time has been taken to plan and prioritize what's important for them, to consider what will give them a happy life, what will give them a sense of purpose and meaning, what will give them pride and self-respect, and what will give them a greater feeling of being independent, autonomous people."

In addition, we highlight related topics like ABLE accounts, special needs trusts, estate planning for college students, and dealing with overwhelming medical bills.
"A life plan will enable your child to live their best life and to consider what will give them a sense of purpose and meaning."
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Faye Simon

Editor In Chief
Faye Simon is a certified pre-K-8—8 teacher with a wide range of educational experience. She has worked in deaf/blind and infant stimulation programs, taught K—2 in public schools, and was a Head Teacher and Parent Coordinator for Head Start. She is Founder and President of the volunteer-run IES Brain Research Foundation. As EP's Editor In Chief, Faye sources and edits articles, creates partnerships with businesses and not-for-profit organizations, and develops relationships with EP's writers, corporate partners, readers and staff.
Information and Support for the Special Needs Community
Publisher Len Harac
Editor In Chief Faye Simon
Art Direction & Design Leverett Cooper
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Exceptional Parent (ISSN 0046-9157) is published monthly 12 times per year including the special January EP Guide - Navigating Special Needs Resources by Exceptional Parent Magazine, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 Internet address: All rights reserved. Copyright ©2023 by Exceptional Parent Magazine,. Exceptional Parent™ is a registered trademark of Exceptional Parent Magazine. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Exceptional Parent,1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012. Any applicable periodical postage paid at Clifton, NJ and additional mailing offices (USPS 557-810). Basic annual subscription for EP Digital is free. Limited edition print subscription $199.00. Subscriber Service: Direct all inquiries & address changes to: Exceptional Parent, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 08758. Customer Service/New Orders: E-mail: or call (973) 726-6218. Back issues incur a charge of $17 each with shipping, (January issue $20 when requested) and depend upon availability. Call (973) 726-6218. Agreement #1420542