A New Age

EP has featured many articles on aging in the past, but we decided that the topic deserved an issue all its own.

This September, for the first time in its history, EP has made Elderly Care and Senior Issues its main focus as a monthly editorial theme. In the past, we have featured many articles on aging and its effect on people with disabilities, but we decided that the topic deserved an issue all its own.

As the French actor and vaudevillian of the last century, Maurice Chevalier, once said, “Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative.” That may be true, but getting older poses many challenges for people with special needs and their professional and family caregivers. Particularly daunting are problems with communication. “While people have come to expect physical challenges that accompany the aging process – such as eyesight or hearing changes – they may be surprised by changes that diminish a person’s ability to speak and express oneself,” writes Avivit Ben-Aharon, M.S.Ed., M.A. CCC SLP in her article “Overcoming Speech and Communication Challenges for Patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Dementia.”

In her article addressing the concerns of caregivers who help both young and older members of their family, Loren Agoratus, M.A. stresses that "the single most important thing for caregivers is respite, or a break from caregiving. No one can help anyone else if they are depleted themselves." She follows up by offering real solutions and proven resources.

This issue also features Be Prepared: An EP Special Section. Ellen Smith reports on what she does to get ready for a scheduled – or emergency – hospital stay as a person who is medically complex. In "Effectively Preparing for Emergencies and Disasters,"

we present a thorough checklist from that will help get our readers safely through weather-related or other emergencies. In our Features section. you'll find toilet training tips for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as an article from the American Academy of Audiology that gauges whether or not your child's academic decline might be due to hearing loss.

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"Getting older poses many challenges for people with special needs and their professional and family caregivers."

Faye Simon

Faye Simon

Editor In Chief


Faye Simon is a certified pre-K—8 teacher with a wide range of educational experience. She has worked in deaf/blind and infant stimulation programs, taught K—2 in public schools, and was a Head Teacher and Parent Coordinator for Head Start. She is Founder and President of the volunteer-run IES Brain Research Foundation. As EP's Editor In Chief, Faye sources and edits articles, creates partnerships with businesses and not-for-profit organizations, and develops relationships with EP's writers, corporate partners, readers and staff.

Information and Support for the Special Needs Community


Publisher Len Harac

Editior In Chief Faye Simon

Art Direction & Design Leverett Cooper


Exceptional Parent (ISSN 0046-9157) is published monthly 12 times per year including the special January EP Guide - Navigating Special Needs Resources by Exceptional Parent Magazine, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 Internet address: All rights reserved. Copyright ©2023 by Exceptional Parent Magazine,. Exceptional Parent™ is a registered trademark of Exceptional Parent Magazine. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Exceptional Parent,1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012. Any applicable periodical postage paid at Clifton, NJ and additional mailing offices (USPS 557-810). Basic annual subscription for EP Digital is free. Limited edition print subscription $199.00. Subscriber Service: Direct all inquiries & address changes to: Exceptional Parent, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 08758. Customer Service/New Orders: E-mail: or call (973) 726-6218. Back issues incur a charge of $17 each with shipping, (January issue $20 when requested) and depend upon availability. Call (973) 726-6218. Agreement #1420542