Bullying behavior is characterized by unwanted, aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived power imbalance, and is repeated or has the potential to be repeated over time. There are many different types of bullying, ranging from teasing and harassment to actual physical violence. It can occur in person, in writing, or through cyberbullying involving online or cell phone communications.

The magnitude of bullying behavior varies from: annoying and emotionally hurtful verbal abuse, distressing social bullying designed to damage a person's reputation, publicly embarrassing, or isolating, to bullying involving physical assault. It's not uncommon for bullying to begin with verbal taunting and harassment, and then, if not addressed, escalate into physical abuse and assault. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities are susceptible to, and at even greater risk than others with disabilities of being bullied.


We all know bullying hurts people in many ways. But did you know:

The adverse outcomes of bullying are not limited to those who are bullied. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services,2 children who are allowed to bully others are more likely to:

Those who witness bullying are more likely to:  

Bullying directed at a person because of their disability may fall under the category of "disability harassment" and rise to the level of a civil rights violation under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or Title II or III of the Americans with Disabilities Act.3 Those who harass people because of their disability, as well as people and organizations who have a duty to prevent disability harassment, can run afoul of these laws, if they fail to address and prevent bullying and harassment appropriately.


We know that the roots of bullying behavior begin in childhood. According to the American Psychological Association,4 steps can be taken to address and prevent bullying.

For example:

children and adults.

ings of isolation, and reduce opportunities for the person to be targeted for bullying.

"Taking steps to recognize, address and prevent bullying is critical to all all children and adults' emotional and physical well-being, especially those with intellectual and developmental disabilities."

Bullying has long-ranging consequences for those being bullied, the person exhibiting the bullying behavior, and those who are witnesses to this serious form of mistreatment. Taking steps to recognize, address and prevent bullying is critical to all children and adults' emotional and physical well-being. This is especially important for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who are at the highest risk for this type of abuse. •


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. People with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases: Information about Bullying. 2020. cdc.gov/ncbddd/disabilityandsafety/bully- ing.html
  2. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Bullying and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health Needs. 2020. stopbullying.gov/bullying/special-needs
  3. US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division. Guide to Disability Rights Laws. 2020. ada.gov/resources/disability-rights-guide
  4. American Psychological Association. Bullying. 2022. apa.org/topics/bullying/prevent


Lorene Reagan

Lorene Reagan, RN, MS, has over 35 years of experience in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Ms. Reagan is the former Bureau Chief for IDD services in New Hampshire, was Manager of Care Management for a Medicaid-managed care organization, and a Principal in a consulting firm focusing on state Medicaid policy and operations. She is currently the Director of Public Relations at IntellectAbility, which provides tools and training to agencies, governmental entities, and supporters of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to foster early recognition and mitigation of health risks and promote health equity for people with IDD.