TICKET TO RIDE: Maggie holds Ellen's tickets with her mouth; "Traveling in a wheelchair can truly limit flexibility and movement. So, Maggie was able to carry my tickets in her mouth and even hand them to the correct person, all on command."

on the center of their back to get up and down, along with carrying your phone or other medical or safety needs.

Travel Excursions: Planning a trip to a cottage or cabin, hotel, or even to another state can certainly create anxiety, as to how you will be able to manage with your disability. Understand that your service dog is legally allowed to be by your side, to assist and comfort you no matter what you choose. I prefer including her ID card and working vest as we travel, to make sure others realize that she is truly a trained and approved dog. There are unfortunately many out there buying fake jackets to pass their pets as service animals. Maggie barked on command for alerting my husband that I needed help, which is important. But, a service dog barking in a store, unless helping her owner, should not be expected behavior. Fortunately, her credentials and behavior quickly provided proof of her true skills.

They are allowed at your feet with you on a plane, train, or bus. They are allowed to stay with you in your hotel room. They are allowed to lie under the table while you eat. But, I always call in advance when making plans, to make sure everyone is notified that I will be arriving with a service animal. Entering a store, I shared her presence and if they question allowing her to enter, I asked to speak to the manager. I make it clear, politely, that they would be breaking the law if they did not allow my entrance with her.

Traveling with your service dog will provide you with the continued help and comfort you have at home. They love to assist you and want to be with you, to be sure you are well taken care of. Have fun and see what adventures you can enjoy together, and enjoy your summer •


Ellen Lenox Smith has emerged as a leading voice for patients living with pain in Rhode Island and the country. She suffers from two rare conditions, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and sarcoidosis. She enjoyed a career, predominantly in the field of education, before having to resign due to health. She devotes much of her time to advocacy. Presently, she is a co-director for Cannabis Advocacy for the US Pain Foundation, along with being on their board, runs Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition, and was appointed by the governor to both the Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan Program and the RI Medical Cannabis Oversight Committee representing patients, and helps run the RI EDS Support group. A proud mother of four sons and five grandchildren, Ellen is also an organic gardener, and prior to her disability, was a master swimmer and high school swim coach. She was a staff writer for National Pain Report and 1000 WATTS Magazine before they shut down, was a former staff writer for Pain News Network, and with her husband speaks out to educate others about her condition and pain management. She has spoken to: the FDA, Brown Medical students, Blue Cross nurses, and physical therapy students in RI and CT, along with speaking at the EDS national conferences. She is also the author of two books: It Hurts Like Hell!: I Live With Pain -- And Have A Good Life Anyway and My Life as a Service Dog!

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