Glad Tidings

We wish all of our readers a joyous, peaceful and healthy holiday season!

The gift-giving season is upon us, and many among us have come to realize that respite is among the most cherished gifts we can receive. To highlight EP’s Annual Holiday Issue, two of our most senior contributors address the concept of asking for help. Kimberlee McCafferty advises readers to be bold enough to ask others for muchneeded support, just as she has done in caring for her nineteen-year-old son with autism. Shelly Huhtanen, military spouse and our longtime Puzzles and Camo columnist, writes about the process of enlisting her mother and father to care for her autistic son Broden while she and her husband fly to Montana to visit her husband’s aging parents

Our December issue is filled to the brim with tips, advice, expert counsel – and good cheer! It contains suggestions for managing holiday stress, shopping for kids with special needs, and keeping the home environment safe for elderly family members during holiday visits and throughout the year.

In addition, Jenn Adams offers valuable guidance on how to keep lines of communication open between parents and teachers during holiday breaks as well as throughout the school year. Joshua Fishkind, J.D., MBA returns with his second installment offering detailed advice on creating a holistic estate plan for your loved one with special needs, while Jean Budd, LPC, NCC, IMH E® and Corinne G. Catalano, Ph.D., IMH E® advocate for the increased use of self-statements to enhance inclusion in the classroom and parent/teacher involvement.

Also, The SPAN Parent Advocacy Network presents the second article in a series of six that highlight updates to its National

Children's Mental Health Family Guide.

As we look toward the new year, please be on the lookout for our all-new 2023 EP Guide. Our longest issue of the year will feature an impressive amount of invaluable content that you will refer to throughout the entire year.

It’s easy to subscribe and receive “EP for Free” – just visit and click Subscribe! Please share our publication with anyone (family members, colleagues, etc) who would benefit from our great monthly coverage of information and resources for the special needs community. While you’re at it, please share our Instagram feed at and be sure to like us on Facebook at

We here at EP wish you all a joyous, peaceful and happy holiday season!

Faye Simon

Editor In Chief

"Our December issue is filled to the brim with tips, advice, expert counsel – and good cheer!"


Faye Simon is a certified pre-K—8 teacher with a wide range of educational experience. She has worked in deaf/blind and infant stimulation programs, taught K—2 in public schools, and was a Head Teacher and Parent Coordinator for Head Start. She is Founder and President of the volunteer-run IES Brain Research Foundation. As EP's Editor In Chief, Faye sources and edits articles, creates partnerships with businesses and not-forprofit organizations, and develops relationships with EP's writers, corporate partners, readers and staff.

Information and Support for the Special Needs Community



Len Harac

Editor In Chief

Faye Simon

Art Direction & Design

Leverett Cooper


Exceptional Parent (ISSN 0046-9157) is published monthly 12 times per year including the special January EP Guide - Navigating Special Needs Resources by Exceptional Parent Magazine, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 Internet address: All rights reserved. Copyright ©2022 by Exceptional Parent Magazine,. Exceptional Parent™ is a registered trademark of Exceptional Parent Magazine. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Exceptional Parent,1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012. Any applicable periodical postage paid at Clifton, NJ and additional mailing offices (USPS 557-810). Basic annual subscription for EP Digital is free. Limited edition print subscription $95.00. Subscriber Service: Direct all inquiries & address changes to: Exceptional Parent, 1360 Clifton Avenue, Ste. 327, Clifton, NJ 07012 08758. Customer Service/New Orders: E-mail: or call (973) 726-6218. Back issues incur a charge of $10.50 each with shipping, (January issue $12:50 when requested) and depend upon availability. Call (973) 726-6218. Agreement #1420542