An educational journey with the power to transform

“ FIDM’s in-depth curriculum solidified what I needed to learn to become the designer I am today. The professional training personally sharpened my skills and talents. The atmosphere at FIDM inspired me to become a go-getter through grit and hard work. Also, the opportunity to live, work, and study in LA in general influenced me and my design philosophy—and how I continue to shape my brand.”

— Anika Martirez Ang, Merchandising & Marketing and Fashion Design graduate; Founder, Designer & CEO of ANIKA

“We were tasked with creating a business plan for a beauty brand that had to include our vision and mission, an industry analysis, our targeted marketing plan, operations and development plan, projected income, investment projections, and more. By the end of the quarter, I knew my brand front to back and felt confident in my ability to bring any brand to life in the future.”

— Kasey Liguori, Beauty Marketing & Product Development A.A. Grad and B.S. in Business Management Student

“ I love the environment most at FIDM. We are all free to create in our own way and I love that encouragement. Coming from a small town, some things are seen as too much, but not at FIDM. We are all encouraged to truly tap into our creativity.”

— Mina Sanders, Visual Communications A.A. and B.S. in Business Management Grad, Social Media Assistant at KORA Organics

“ My favorite part of the IMPD program is the ‘doing, not just learning’ part of the program. We are now using our skills from our Associate’s Degree in real life to design for a real brand. How crazy is that! I am designing for a brand WHILE still in school! It is amazing and such a neat hands-on industry experience.”

— Maddy Ramsey, IMPD Student


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FIDM is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution