FIDM eLearning System

The FIDM eLearning System is a course management system that allows learning to take place in a virtual environment, beyond the traditional classroom setting. eLearning uses Canvas to manage online learning content for all classes, including on campus, hybrid, remote and asynchronous online courses. Students access Canvas via the student portal or the mobile application. There is no separate login for Canvas.


Online courses are distance-learning, asynchronous courses that allow students flexibility with timing and scheduling. Online courses use modules that open weekly on Wednesdays and due dates are usually the following Tuesday, although there are exceptions. Students can participate at any time during that week at their own pace. The Canvas site hosts a course site that has all discussion, lectures, exams, and projects within each module. Students do not need to be in a specific physical location to take part in an online course. Grades for work submitted are posted to the Canvas eLearning site within seven to ten days.

To ensure success in taking an online course, students should:


All FIDM courses have an online component via Canvas that incorporates the gradebook and the syllabus as well as various course supplements. Each instructor will use various elements of Canvas tools to facilitate student access and success. These Canvas tools include the course syllabus, modules, assignments, lectures, videos, announcements, messaging, discussion boards, and the gradebook. Courses, especially remote or hybrid courses, may also incorporate Zoom meeting links.

Student Conduct & Responsibilities


All students must conform to federal, state, and local laws. They must respect the rights of others and conduct themselves in a manner conducive to the educational mission of the college. Below are important policies, which FIDM must enforce in order to maintain a safe and compliant environment for all faculty, staff, and students.


All academic work submitted by a student must be original work. Purchasing papers, downloading tests/ projects from websites as Chegg, Course Hero, etc., or using a tutor who re-writes the majority of a paper (essentially becomes the author of the paper) is considered cheating. Cheating or academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, all forms of giving or getting unauthorized help or using unauthorized materials on examinations and projects.

Plagiarism, a form of cheating, involves obtaining or attempting to obtain academic credit by copying the words or ideas of another (from a book, magazine article, or website, for example) and passing them off as one's own without documentation — that is, without acknowledging the source with quotation marks, footnotes, and lists of works cited. Claiming credit for artistic work done by someone else, such as an artwork, photos, a painting, drawing, or design is considered plagiarism and using online course sharing sites such as Course Hero is considered cheating. Cheating and plagiarism are cause for formal counseling and multiple incidents of cheating or plagiarism may result in suspension or dismissal from FIDM. Students who cheat or plagiarize will receive a zero "0" on the assignment and violation of the academic honesty policy is reported to the Department Chair. Falsifying information, including but not limited to information submitted to obtain financial aid, is strictly prohibited.


FIDM is committed to the well-being of its students and maintains alcohol and drug abuse policies and programs consistent with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA). FIDM strictly forbids the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of illicit drugs and alcohol is strictly prohibited on FIDM's property or as part of any FIDM officially sponsored off-campus activities as well as the remote learning environment. Notwithstanding state and local laws, Marijuana is a Schedule I Controlled Substance under Federal Law and is included and covered by this policy. Students are also prohibited from being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or any other substance that could adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of students and staff on FIDM property or at any of its officially sponsored activities. Violation of this policy may result in immediate dismissal from academic programs or college-related employment.