testing, and methods for displaying, describing, and producing data. Technology applications facilitate in-class activities.

GNST 2380 — 3 UNITS


An introductory survey course in the art and art forms of selected African, Asian, and Meso-American cultures. Students are able to view art through its cultural, religious, and historical context by evaluating the different styles that developed in different time periods and geographical areas of the world.

GNST 2420 — 3 UNITS


A survey of art, architecture, and design from the Renaissance through the 20th century. Art movements such as Realism, Impressionism, PostImpressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Abstraction, and Surrealism are studied. Particular emphasis is placed on the artist's role in society and the effect of society on art.

GNST 2430 — 3 UNITS


This course examines the subtle and overt ways in which society marginalizes and discriminates against groups of people including, but not limited to, racial, cultural and ethnic groups, religious groups, women, the elderly, persons with disabilities (including physical and mental challenges), gender fluidity and LGBTQIA+. Students study not only the historical realities, institutions, and a legal system that have enabled discrimination to continue, they delve into the roots of hatred, fear and bias, the very foundations of prejudice and discrimination, in order to become conscious of and active in their own contributions to a more just and inclusive society.

GNST 2530 — 3 UNITS


The emphasis of this course is to scientifically examine the musculoskeletal and physiological systems of the body in motion and at rest. The principles of biochemical, pulmonary, and circulatory systems related to movement and exercise and the contemporary issues of neuromuscular health are investigated.

GNST 2530L — 1 UNIT


This lab includes field excursions, observation journals, interviews, and research to answer a scientific inquiry assigned to each student. One component of the research is to interview a practitioner in the field of kinesiology/anatomical sciences, including physical therapists, professional strength trainers, or other professionals in the exercise/lifestyle sciences.

GNST 2570 — 3 UNITS


Through the study of classical economic principles, students develop a framework for analyzing economic variables and their effects on individuals, business organizations, and economics. Using graphs and models, students also explore and apply fundamental economic concepts such as supply and demand, competition and monopoly, and profit maximization.

GNST 2630 — 3 UNITS


Students study the fundamental principles of chemistry and their applications. The relationships between atomic particles and their effect on bonding, chemical reactions, and matter are explored.

GNST 2670 — 3 UNITS


This course is available to students who sign up for the Italy Study Tour. The tour travels for two weeks between the winter and spring quarters and visits major Italian cities such as: Rome, Florence, and Venice. This tour is an immersion into western art history, which requires thorough critical analysis of works of art. Students benefit from learning about western art history by viewing works of art and architecture in person while creating a visual journal of their experiences and compiling research for two formal analysis papers. Prerequisites: Must be an enrolled participant in the Italy Study Tour and have one of the following courses remaining to be taken: GNST 2420, GNST 2750, or GNST 2780

GNST 2690 — 3 UNITS


This course is available to students who sign up for the Paris Summer Study Tour. Students travel to Paris for 17 days between the spring and summer quarters and explore the history, art, and culture of this great city. This course is an immersion into western art history, which requires thorough critical analysis of works of art. Students benefit from learning about western art history by viewing works of art and architecture in person while creating a visual journal of their experiences and compiling research for two formal analysis papers. Prerequisites: Must be an enrolled participant in the Paris Summer Study Tour and have one of the following courses remaining to be taken: GNST 2420, GNST 2750, or GNST 2780

GNST 2750 — 3 UNITS