DIGI 3110 — 3 UNITS


This course explores the intersection of story, metaphor, and production design in filmmaking. Viewings of selected films and readings in fiction and creative non-fiction and film theory, genre and technique encourage students to analyze the work of noted writers and directors while gaining insight into their own creative and decision-making processes. In-class discussions, presentations, and workshops culminate with the creation of a short-film treatment detailing specifications for characters, story arc, and production design.

DIGI 3120 — 3 UNITS


This course introduces students to the tools and techniques used in impactful film scripts, with a particular focus on developing engaging stories. Students explore the various components of effective storytelling, including character development, theme, conflict and resolution. Students work on their own scripts throughout the course.

DIGI 3150 — 3 UNITS


This course introduces students to the fundamentals of cinematography, including the operation of digital video cameras and factors that impact image acquisition and manipulation. Students explore exposure control, composition, movement, lighting, color theory, and lensing. Topics covered include RGB changes, scene profiling, gamma adjustment, black pedestal control, and camera filtration using tungsten and fluorescent sources.

DIGI 3400 — 3 UNITS


This course educates students about writing across multiple genres. Students learn to express their thoughts and feelings in an imaginative and unique way. Students take an original project from conception to completion. During that process, students engage in peer review, instructor critique, and multiple phases of rewrites. Upon completion of this course, students have at least one fully original work.

DIGI 3500 — 3 UNITS


In this course, students explore the technology and techniques used in visual storytelling. Students apply this knowledge while editing their own projects, and by participating in peer review and in-class critiques.

DIGI 3700A — 3 UNITS


This course introduces students to documentary filmmaking. Students view and discuss various documentaries as they learn about the entire filmmaking process, including producing, directing, pre-production, production, writing, lighting, cinematography, and interviewing for documentaries.

DIGI 3700B — 3 UNITS


In this course, students work in groups on the production of a short documentary project. Each student is assigned a specific job, including producer, director, director of photography, camera operator, and more. The students work as a team to research, write, shoot, and edit their original project, taking it from the pre-production stages through post-production and delivery. Prerequisite: DIGI 3700A

DIGI 3750 — 3 UNITS


This course covers the editing process for documentary films, from footage to final edit. Practical considerations, techniques, and processes used by documentary editors are explored. Skills acquired in prior editing courses are built upon to enhance understanding of editing in the context of the documentary genre. Upon completion of this course, students prepare to tackle a variety of real issues that may arise while editing their own documentary films in the final quarter of the program.

DIGI 3800 — 3 UNITS


This course emphasizes lighting for different scenarios. Students learn to light green screen, people, and different environments with industry-standard grip and lighting equipment. Students also learn about color correction, camera filtration, and the use of scrims, lighting gels, and barn doors. Finally, students learn how to employ various lighting techniques to create a mood and atmosphere that support their project.

DIGI 4100 — 3 UNITS


This course explores audio mixing and other advanced audio techniques. Students walk through the process of mixing audio in preparation for the post-production phase of their documentary films. Students work with commonly used audio effects such as EQ and reverb, learn how to change the length and speed of audio tracks, and explore recording scratch tracks. Topics include: adjusting gain and audio levels, keyframes, using the Limiter and EQ effects, working with audio transitions, healing noise, trimming, recording, and exporting audio.

DIGI 4200 — 3 UNITS


In this course, students are introduced to the various components of pre-production, including budget creation and analysis, production planning, and factual and logistical research. Students break down scripts, storyboard scripts, scout potential shooting locations, and identify potential crew members. This course emphasizes the role of the producer and the techniques involved in producing short films. Prerequisites: DIGI 3500, DIGI 3700A, DIGI 3700B