(for students without a prior college degree)

DIGI 1180 Adobe Illustrator 3
DIGI 1300 Editing I 3
DIGI 1350 Storytelling 3
DIGI 1380 Adobe Photoshop 3
DIGI 1550A Motion Graphics I 3
DIGI 1550B Motion Graphics Il 3
DIGI 1550C Motion Graphics III 3
DIGI 1700 Editing Il 3
DIGI 1770 Digital Photography for Digital Media 3
DIGI 2100 Editing III 3
DIGI 2430 Finishing Techniques 3
DIGI 2540 Sound Design 3
DIGI 2660 Content Creation 3
DIGI 2680 Interactive Design: Web Development 3
DIGI 2820 Intellectual Property & Law 3
DIGI 2950 Digital Media Portfolio 3
GNST 1040 English Composition 3
GNST 1230 Color & Design Theory 3
GNST 1600 Effective Speaking 3
GNST 1650 Critical Thinking 3
GNST 1900 Professional Skills 0
GNST 2020 Survey of Western Art I 3
GNST 2420 Survey of Western Art Il 3
GNST 2430 Perspectives in Diversity 3
GNST 2960 American Political & Economic History 3
GNST 3410 History & Development for Film & Television 3
GRPH 1150 Type & Layout 3
GRPH 1420 2-D Design 3
GRPH 1720 Typography 3
VCOM 1250 Survey of Visual Communications 3
VCOM 2220 Materials & Props (6 hours)* 3
  Total Units of Credit 90


(for students with a prior college degree)

DIGI 1300 Editing I 3
DIGI 1350 Storytelling 3
DIGI 1550A Motion Graphics I 3
DIGI 1550B Motion Graphics Il 3
DIGI 1550C Motion Graphics III 3
DIGI 1700 Editing Il 3
DIGI 1770 Digital Photography for Digital Media 3
DIGI 2100 Editing III 3
DIGI 2430 Finishing Techniques 3
DIGI 2540 Sound Design 3
DIGI 2660 Content Creation 3
DIGI 2680 Interactive Design: Web Development 3
DIGI 2820 Intellectual Property & Law 3
DIGI 2950 Digital Media Portfolio 3
GNST 1900 Professional Skills 0
GNST 2420 Survey of Western Art Il 3
GNST 3410 History & Development for Film & Television 3
GRPH 1420 2-D Design 3
GRPH 1720 Typography 3
VCOM 1250 Survey of Visual Communications 3
VCOM 2220 Materials & Props (6 hours)* 3
  Total Units of Credit 60