Runners From Around the Globe

Citizens of 122 countries and residents of 108 nations are entered in the field. Here's a breakdown of the top countries by number of participants.

FURTHEST TRAVEL TO BOSTON: 11,620 miles Among those traveling to Boston from Australia are Madison de Rozario and Michael Roeger, both part of this year's John Hancock Professional Field.

Faces in the Field

Keep an eye out for these familiar faces along the marathon course!

Ethan Zohn

The former soccer player and "Survivor: Africa" champion will be running for Team AKTIV Against Cancer.

Shalane Flanagan

The Olympic silver medalist will serve as a support runner for Para Athlete Adrianne Haslet.

Matt James

The television star best known for "The Bachelor" and "Dancing with the Stars" will race as part of the United Service Organizations (USO) team.

Leslie Osborne

A veteran of soccer's U.S. Women's National Team and the Boston Breakers will run to support Boston vs Bullies and The Sports Museum.

Heather O'Reilly

Like her fellow U.S. Women's National Teammate and Boston Breakers alum, O'Reilly will be running for Boston vs Bullies and The Sports Museum.

Zac Clark

"The Bachelorette" finalist finished last year's TCS New York City Marathon in 4:04:32. He'll lead a group of runners for Poland Springs at Boston.