One More Run

B.A.A. President & CEO Tom Grilk to transition to Senior Advisor following 126th Boston Marathon.

After more than 11 years leading the Boston Athletic Association and more than 40 years of connection to the Boston Marathon, Tom Grilk will transition from the President and Chief Executive Officer to Senior Advisor for the B.A.A. The 126th Boston Marathon will be the final race at the helm for Grilk, a Massachusetts native and longtime runner.

"It has been an enormous and gratifying privilege to lead the B.A.A. and to serve with a magnificent group of colleagues who have been instrumental in the organization's development and

growth," said Grilk. "These include my fellow staff members at the B.A.A.; our Board of Governors; our relentlessly supportive sponsors; the Organizing Committee; public service, safety, and medical officials; and the thousands of volunteers who come out every year to take care of athletes from around the world."

After serving as president of the B.A.A.'s Board of Governors for seven years (2003-10), Grilk served as Executive Director from 2011 until transitioning to Chief Executive Officer in 2016. During his tenure, Grilk has guided the organ-

ization through significant challenges strengthened the B.A.A. financially and deepened the B.A.A.'s commitment to the community.

As an advocate for expanding access to health and wellness through running, Grilk has led an expansion of the B.A.A.'s commitment to the Greater Boston community. The organization was a founding partner of the Road to Wellness 5K, along with the Dimock Center and HoodFit, and has continued to financially support the Roxbury-based road race. The B.A.A. has also made donations to the Boston Public Schools (BPS) for students' physical education classes as well as donations to area nonprofts to support greater access to health and wellness—especially through running.

Since Grilk assumed his leadership role US President Barack Obama spoke with Tom Grilk, President and C.E.O. of the Boston Athletic Association, following the 2013 attacks on the City of Boston. in 2011, the Boston Marathon's Official Charity Program and John Hancock Non-Proft Program surpassed the $400 million fundraising mark—growing by more than $300 million during his tenure—and the Boston Marathon has generated an estimated economic impact of more than $200 million for the Greater Boston economy annually.

"The members of the Board want to express their deepest appreciation to Tom for his tremendous years of service and his impactful vision in creating and navigating a path of success for the organization," said Dr. Michael P. O'Leary, Chair of the B.A.A.'s Board of Governors. "He guided us during the aftermath of the 2013 terror attack on the City of Boston to most recently the COVID-19 pandemic. His legacy to the B.A.A. will be his determination and passion to advance the mission of our organization."

Recently, Grilk has helped develop even deeper ties to the community, including through the newly launched Boston Running Collaborative, an initiative which seeks to expand access to running and walking in communities of color across Boston. On a global level, Grilk helped bring in the Boston Marathon as a founding member of the Abbott World Marathon Majors, and has seen the event expand to feature participants from more than 100 countries each year.

than 100 countries each year. Building upon the B.A.A.'s history The Boston Marathon's Official Charity Program and John Hancock Non-Proft Program, along with it's charity partners, surpassed the $400 million fundraising mark—growing by more than $300 million during Grilk's tenure. as a competitive athletic organization, the B.A.A., in collaboration with adidas, launched its High-Performance Team in 2013, through which B.A.A. athletes have represented the United States on an international level and won USA national titles as both a team and individuals. Additionally, in 2021 the Boston Marathon became the first major marathon to offer prize money for Para Athletes.

Grilk will continue as President and Chief Executive Officer through April 30, 2022, when Jack Fleming, the B.A.A.'s Chief Operating Officer, will transition to Acting CEO.