"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." ~ Winnie the Pooh

Feel Free to Quote Me

After more than 20 years, several hundred editorials, articles, awards, and growth with EP Magazine, I will be retiring as the Editor-in-chief.

I love quotes.

When it comes to quotes, I can't help myself.

"I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself." (Marlene Dietrich)

See what I mean?

For long-time readers of EP, that should come as no surprise. I have peppered (more like "oregano-ed") my monthly musings with insights from Hippocrates, Sir William Osler, Nelson Mandela, Florence Nightingale, Shakespeare, Plato, Martin Luther King, Helen Keller, Walt Disney, Mahatma Gandhi, Groucho Marx and Eleanor Roosevelt, among others.

So, it was a given that I wanted to find a suitable quote to oregano this month's editorial. My last one.

After more than 20 years, several hundred editorials, articles, awards, and growth with EP Magazine, I will be retiring as the Editor-in-chief.

"Life is full of goodbyes. People move, switch jobs, end relationships, retire, and ultimately leave this world." That, by the way, was a quote from the essay "Top 30 Farewell Quotes of All Time."

My departure is simply part of the formula that influences personal growth for all of us. I am not leav

ing the field of disabilities, or even reducing my time, energy and focus on the issues that face, challenge, plague and inspire the disability community. It's certainly not a decision (made popular by politicians leaving their posts) "to spend more time with my family" (a quote attributed to more public figures than we can count). While the disability community is "my family", there simply aren't enough hours in the day for me to spend more time with them. For 24/7 does have its stated constraints.

EP Magazine was among the first portals I encountered in the disability community. It was only after a few months of accepting