Many individuals with disabilities can be successful at starting their own business and being their own boss.
Why EnTrEprEnEurship is A GrEAT ChoiCE for pEoplE WiTh DisAbiliTiEs
According to Alice Doyel, author of No More Job Interviews: SelfEmployment Strategies for People with Disabilities, there are advantages of self-employment for people with disabilities. These include:
- Work that fits their interests and abilities and provides personal growth opportunities
- Company control
- Accommodations and supports meeting individual needs and improving outcomes
- Networking connections with business members in their community
- Secure employment
Griffin-Hammis Associates has training on self-employment and resources. Here is their video on starting your own business and what to expect. Interestingly, 79% of small business succeed, while 91% of small businesses started by people with disabilities are successful. There is also information on working with VR (Vocational Rehabilitation) services as well as SSA (Social Security Administration). In addition, they published a book, Making Self-Employment Work for People with Disabilities. Their website offers additional relevant information (see Resources).