tings and many do not want to live their entire lives with their parents or siblings. Many want to work, travel, have a romantic relationship and enjoy social and recreational opportunities. While government benefits will cover some of these expenses, they will not cover all of them. And the people with disabilities who want to and have the ability to do the most are also the people who, due to their capabilities, may be eligible for less public funding than their peers. It will be up to the person with a disability to use work earnings, and the family to use family money, to bridge the gap between what the public benefits will cover and what the person's lifestyle will actually cost.

It is generally a good idea to build two financial plans. The first maps out the adult life income and expenses of the person with a disability. That way, the family can see clearly how financially self-sufficient the person can be and how that may change over time as s/he becomes eligible for additional public benefits, has work income increase due to job tenure or advancement, or decrease due to declining health or has services needs decrease due to maturity or increase due to aging. It also helps the person with a disability and their family to understand the trade-offs between working more and staying eligible for certain benefits that have an income threshold.

The second financial plan maps out the families income and expenses both before and after retirement. The latter expenses must also account for the parents' potential long-term care needs. This way, is it possible to see how much of the family's resources will be consumed during the parent's lifetime and how much will be left over to fund a special needs trust. It also permits the timely mitigation and management of risk through the strategic purchase of disability, long-term care (where appropriate) and life insurance, and helps the parents to make informed decisions about how best to save and invest money. It is also crucial to create, with the help of a qualified attorney with special needs experience, the legal documents that will hold and manage the family's assets in a way that will preserve the eligibility of the person with a disability for the necessary government benefits.


As a financial planner who is not an attorney, I can only speak in a very general way about the types of legal documents and structures a family needs to undergird a secure and enjoyable future for their family member with a disability.

Please consult a qualified special needs attorney to help your family define which of these documents is appropriate and necessary.

Planning for your family member with a disability is a complex and multi-faceted process best accomplished by starting early, engaging skilled advisors and working step by step, using the big-picture qualitative vision as the overall guide.


Alexandra Baig maintains her own national financial planning practice, Companions On Your Journey, and also acts as the Benefits Specialist for Clancy & Associates, a Chicago-based law firm focusing on special needs planning. Alexandra has an MBA from the University of Michigan and her CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERâ„¢ designation and is a member of the Academy of Special Needs Planners. In particular, she is well-versed in the government benefits available to people with special needs and the rules governing them. Her goal is to help people with disabilities and their families make the most of public and private money to live the life they chose.