Heartbreak in Newton - 1936

The term “Heartbreak Hill” entered marathon lexicon at the 40th Boston Marathon thanks to the finishing speed of Ellison Brown. Johnny Kelley passed Brown on the Newton hills, patting him on the back out of respect. The pat stirred Brown’s competitive spirit; he’d surge and break Kelley’s heart en route to winning by nearly two minutes. The Boston Globe coined the term “Heartbreak Hill” at the site of Kelley’s misery. To this day the hill serves as a challenging landmark for rookie and experienced marathoners alike.

Stylianos Kyriakides - 1946

Racing to raise awareness for his starving countrymen, Greece’s Stylianos Kyriakides prevailed over Johnny Kelley to win the 1946 race. Kyriakides’ victory helped bring significant aid to his country in the wake of World War II and the Greek Civil War. For his efforts, he became widely regarded as the first fundraising runner in race history.

Bobbi Breaks Barriers - 1966

Bobbi Gibb dashed from the bushes in Hopkinton and became the first woman to complete the Boston course. Though Gibb wasn't an official entrant, her pioneering run is celebrated as a monumental moment in running history.