“It's like a giant hub of creativity, inspiration, and intellect. I’m finding out more about myself than I knew before.” — Kendal Bruce, Navy veteran, Fashion Design Student, and a Design Specialist at the non-profit organization LeadersUp

“It was so rewarding being able to show our project to high-ranking executives from Target and Nordstrom and having them tell us how much they liked our ideas, and being able to receive feedback from such experienced professionals.” — Ellie Smith, Advanced Study International Manufacturing & Product Development Student and Winner of the NRF Foundation Student Challenge

“I love the environment most at FIDM. We are all free to create in our own way and I love that encouragement. Coming from a small town, some things are seen as too much, but not at FIDM. We are all encouraged to truly tap into our creativity.” — Mina Sanders, Visual Communications A.A. and current Bachelor’s Degree Student and FIDM Social Media Department Intern

“My time at FIDM has also given me confidence in my abilities; I have honed my voice and design style here.” — Victoria Wang, Fashion Design Student and former Beauty Editor of FIDM MODE, the fashion and beauty magazine produced by FIDM Students