Student Advisement
The Student Advisement Office assists with the advancement and completion of a student’s academic program by providing direction and support for all aspects of the FIDM educational experience.
As a supplement to the catalog, a current tuition schedule is available from the Admissions Office.
Each academic program is considered an unin-terrupted sequence. If it becomes necessary for a student to withdraw or take a leave from the college, a Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Form must be completed with the Student Advisement Office. An Approved Leave of Absence may be taken for only one full quarter. Any student taking an Unapproved Leave of Absence or withdrawing from the college after the second week of classes will need to repeat the class and will be charged full tuition and course-related fees when they re-register for the class. If any books and/or supplies have changed for the repeated class when the student ultimately takes it, the student will be responsible for their purchase. Students on a Leave of Absence are required to continue their schedule of payments and are eligible to receive as-sistance from the Career Center. Students receiving a Cal Grant award must notify the California Student Aid Commission ( of their Leave of Absence or they will lose their award.
FIDM Transcript
A signed request must be sent to the Registrar’s Office with the correct fee. Allow a mini-mum of five working days for processing transcripts.
(if form is returned late) Additional/Replacement diploma fee
Variable $350 $25
Additional 3-unit class CARE challenge fee (per 3 units)
Non-sufficient funds check charge
Exchange Program Application fee
Late Registration fee
– Regarding a refund: A refund will be calcu-lated when a student either withdraws from all classes or takes an Unapproved Leave of Absence. Students are reminded that when a refund is calculated based upon a stu-dent’s Leave of Absence, it is the student’s responsibility to reapply for all financial aid prior to returning to the college.
Students who repeat a course in order to improve their grade point average (GPA) will be charged tuition and fees at the prevailing rate.
*Does not include books and supplies
– Visit a Student Advisor.
F-1 Visa International Students
All instruction at FIDM is in English.
After an international student obtains a visa and enters the U.S. in F-1 status, they must continue to maintain that status and follow F-1 regulations upon entry until final departure. The key requirements for maintaining F-1 status include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Report to FIDM’s Designated School Official (DSO) for Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) registration upon arriving at FIDM. Students must be registered in SEVIS no later than 30 days after the program start date.
2. Attend the school authorized on the I-20.