The Study Abroad Department requires that students who participate in college-related travel to submit a passport or driver's license/ID card upon enrollment. International students may need a visa to travel. Stu-dents are responsible for determining their status and obtaining a visa, if necessary, prior to their trip. Some travel programs may require that students purchase short-term medical coverage in order to participate. Additional travel documents must be completed prior to departure.


In an effort to provide FIDM Students with a qual-ity education which keeps pace with our rapidly changing world, it has been essential to implement new technology standards for email, Internet, and computer access.

FIDM has maintained a practice of policy review by the Board of Administration for over thirty years. Policy changes generally result from regulatory action at the city, county, state, or federal level. In addition, changes may result from suggestions from within the FIDM community, or be a response to issues that arise on one of the campuses or actions taken by the Faculty Council. These policies are presented to the Board of Administration for review by the Office of Human Re-sources. If the policy is approved, it is then implemented and presented to supervisors.

INSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE PARTICIPATION FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising’s Board of Administration formally approves institutional policies. FIDM’s approved policies are available in print.

All FIDM policies and the procedures for implementing the policies are reviewed annually or as needed.


FIDM values the importance of learning, preparation, and study. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with the assigned readings and homework and to manage their time. A minimum of two hours preparation for each hour in class is recommended for research and study time outside of class.



FIDM requires students attending the college to make reasonable progress toward the completion of their educational objective. All students are expected to maintain a minimum 2.0 grade point average (3.0 for students in the Master's program) and complete a specified minimum number of units each quarter. Students who fail to meet FIDM’s Satisfactory Academic Progress requirements may lose their eligibility for financial aid and/or veterans benefits.


It is the students’ responsibility to provide current contact information to the college. Students can make the following changes:

– Cell and home phone number, mailing address, and email can be updated on all campuses in the Student Advisement Office and the Financial Services Department. In addition, on the OC campus, this information can be updated in the Education Department.

– Name Change can be updated in the Finan-cial Services Department by presenting a cur-rent Driver License, State Identification Card, Passport, or any certified legal document with the name change.

FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising has invested substantial assets in order to provide students with the most updated functional versions of technology software to help prepare students for their prospective industries. Students are expected to exercise good judgment to ensure that all of their electronic com-munications reflect high ethical standards and convey mutual respect and civility. In accordance, the following terms and provisions state the Student Technology Use Policy for the college:

Students may not: