during the last week of classes, or online at www. thefidmstore.com.


The college has an obligation to provide the optimum scheduling and faculty staffing for the programs of-fered. Should changes of any sort be necessary, they do not affect the student’s ability to fulfill all requirements. Every effort is made to maintain class limits based on the subject matter and nature of activity in the course.



Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from field trips.


Filming and photography in classrooms and on campus require prior approval from the Vice President of Education.

Facilities and Equipment

All of the equipment listed within this document is owned by FIDM/Fashion Institute of Design & Merchan-dising with the exception of the computer systems, which are leased.


Classroom and laboratory equipment on all FIDM campuses reflects the most advanced educational and technical practices, enabling students to work on challenging projects in a realistic setting. All equipment has been selected to enable students to achieve the educational program learning outcomes of each major.


FIDM has general purpose classrooms and tech-nology classrooms that are equipped for faculty to use technology in their classes. Room layouts vary, with some rooms offering individual student stations (drafting tables, tablet armchairs) and others offering collaborative student stations with chairs and larger tables designed to be flexible in arrangement so that classes can transform the spaces as needed. Rooms range from general classrooms that hold 20 students to large lecture spaces with room divider walls that can open up to accommodate up to 400. Portable Edu-carts (with DVD/video/computer output projection) and other audio-visual equipment are available to faculty to incorporate various types of media into the classroom. Some rooms contain fixed carts for enhanced lectures with projectors containing a computer, DVD, and a port to plug in additional equipment. Rooms that are used for classes and majors which involve hands-on projects contain a sink for clean-up.


FIDM’s Hope Street Annex facility is located at 800 South Hope Street, Los Angeles. The facility provides lecture classrooms on the ground floor for students of all majors. The Hope Street Studio, located on the fifth floor, houses FIDM’s state-of-the-industry pattern labs, sewing rooms, 3-D Prototyping Lab, Textile Design Print Studio, Pigment Lab, and the Theatre Costume Design Studio.

FIDM’s standard offering for technology is to provide each student access to a single computer in Comput-er Lab classrooms. Other learning areas provide for mixed or casual-use computers to assist with shared research or demonstration (i.e., Library, IDEA Center, Student Lounge area).

On the Los Angeles campus, we are in the process of moving toward having students bring their own device. Students will have the ability to use their own comput-ers for classwork, for research in the library, in common areas such as the Student Lounge area.

Windows computers have Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, Sketchup Pro, and The Autodesk AutoCAD software suite.

Other specific PC Labs offer Rhino software utilized in the Design Program. CLO 3D Design, NGC PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) and access to AIMS360 ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software are all used in the Apparel Industry Management program.

The Los Angeles campus has selected classrooms that provide Gerber Accumark technology, with Silhou-ette tables, digitizers, and large and small plotters that mirror the technology used in apparel manufacturing centers worldwide. Students in these programs have supervised access to an industry-grade Gerber cutter table to experience their computerized designs being cut into fabric. Apple Mac Labs host the Graphic Design programs and offer mac0S, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Creative Cloud. In addition, the Digital Media/Digital Cinema classrooms (Media Lounge 101 and Mac Lab 414) offer Avid Media Composer and Pro Tools, Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, Movie Magic Budgeting and Scheduling, Final Draft, and Maxon Cinema 4D.

Every PC and Mac Lab offers audio-visual projec-tion capabilities, printing, and scanning functionality. Libraries and Studios also offer printing and scanning capabilities.

For classrooms that do not have permanent technology installed, FIDM offers portable technology carts and podiums across all campuses that feature a computer CPU and projector. We are piloting a new configuration of technology in Los Angeles Campus classrooms. This will include TV monitors with Mac Mini technology providing internet capabilities.

The Los Angeles campus has a wireless network available to students that is often used in the Libraries and classrooms for in-class exercises. Students can opt to use these instead of or in conjunction with FIDM-provided technology.


The Library provides an effective environment for study, offering students a space that supports research and