8. Mission Valley ROP (CA)

9.Nassau BOCES Advertising program (NY)

10.Nassau BOCES Fashion Design program (NY)

15.Yorktown BOCES (NY)


How credit for a course at FIDM transfers to another educational institution depends on how that college or university will accept the course and how clearly defined a student’s transfer goal is. Students who wish to explore their transfer options should consult with FIDM's Academic Support Staff in Orange County, or with FIDM’s Articulation Officer on the Los Angeles campus. Students graduating from FIDM must com-plete the graduation requirements for their specific de-gree. FIDM requirements, however, do not necessarily meet all lower division or general education require-ments for other colleges. FIDM currently maintains articulation agreements with selected colleges with the intent of enhancing a student’s transfer opportunities.

Articulation is the planned, documented pathway between two or more colleges or universities and their academic programs. Articulation agreements are also called transfer agreements, transfer guides, and trans-fer pathways by various audiences. FIDM currently has articulation agreements with the following institutions:

California College of the Arts (San Francisco and Oakland campuses)

See Articulation Guidelines. Humanities and Science Curriculum articulated for B.A.; B.F.A.; and B.Arch degrees; Interior Design curriculum articulated for B.F.A. degree. Visual Studies electives and seminar, required by CCA, can be met with articulated courses from FIDM’s A.A. design majors.

LIM (Laboratory Institute of Merchandising) limcollege.edu/admissions/transfer

Basis of Agreement: 1. LIM will accept all course credits earned at FIDM for which the transferring student re-ceives a grade of C or better and will allow FIDM Student with fewer than 59 semester credits (90 quarter credits) to make up the deficiencies at LIM; 2. FIDM Graduates with an Associate’s Degree may enter LIM with full junior status. Currently, transfer pathways have been created for graduates of FIDM’s A.A. programs in Merchandise Product Development, Merchandising & Marketing, and Visual Communications.


Notre Dame de Namur University (NDNU) https://www.ndnu.edu/admissions/transfer/transfer-agreements/fidm/

Articulation agreement describes how courses taken at FIDM will transfer to meet Notre Dame de Namur University requirements for General Education and lower division major preparation. Students do not need to complete all of the requirements before transferring to NDNU.

Otis College of Art & Design otis.edu/registration-records/transfer-credits

Foundation/Freshman Liberal Arts and Sciences Courses, Foundation Studio Courses and Architecture/ Landscape/Interiors Courses articulated to facilitate upper division transfer into the B.F.A. program in Archi-tecture/Landscape/Interior program at Otis.

Regent's University London regents.ac.uk/

Sufficient course content from FIDM’s Merchandise Product Development, Merchandising & Marketing, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, and Visual Communi-cations programs articulated as equivalent to the first two years (levels 3 and 4) of the B.A. (Hons) Fashion Marketing; B.A. (Hons) Fashion Design (Marketing); B.A. (Hons) Fashion Design; and B.A. (Hons) Communication Design programs at Regent’s University.

Santa Monica College (SMC) https://www.smc.edu/student-support/academic-support/ transfer-center/articulation-agreements/private-califor-nia-universities/fidm.php

FIDM maintains articulation with SMC to facilitate preparation for admissions to their Bachelor of Science degree in Interaction Design. The link for SMC/FIDM for the Interaction Design major can be found at: https://www.smc.edu/student-support/academic-support/ transfer-center/areas-of-study/documents/interac-tion-design/FIDM.pdf

University of Phoenix phoenix.edu/admissions/transfer_information.html

Block transfers for all FIDM majors; details of the application of transfer credit outlined on the University of Phoenix website.

For assistance in applying to graduate schools after completing a FIDM Bachelor of Science and/or Bachelor of Arts program, contact FIDM’s Articulation Officer at the Los Angeles campus to discuss the necessary requirements and application procedures.

Each institution is responsible for determining its own policies and practices with regard to the transfer and award of credit. It is the receiving institution’s respon-sibility to provide reasonable and definitive policies and procedures for determining a student’s knowledge in required subject areas. All institutions have a respon-sibility to furnish transcripts and other documents necessary for a receiving institution to judge the quality and quantity of a student’s work. Institutions also have a responsibility to advise students that the work reflect-ed on the transcript may or may not be accepted by a receiving institution.