International students must attend a full course of study, or at least 12 units per quarter for undergrad-uates. Exceptions are made when a student needs less than 12 credits to complete a course of study.



Any student who fails a required class must repeat that course in order to graduate. Students will be charged full tuition and fees when they re-register for the class. In most cases, course books and supplies may be used when repeating the class. If any of the course books or supplies in a subsequent quarter have been changed, the student will be responsible for purchasing the new items. If a student repeats a course in which a grade of “D+, D, D-” or “F” was received, the original grade is no longer counted in the student’s cumulative grade point average calculation, but will remain as part of the permanent record and quarterly grade point average for the quarter in which the class was taken.

All repeats must be completed at FIDM. General Studies courses may be an exception with the approval of the Department Chairperson. Credits for GNST courses that have been approved to be taken elsewhere are transferable for failed courses; however, the "F" earned at FIDM remains as part of the cumulative GPA. Federal financial aid may be received for only one repeat of a class for which a student has received a passing grade (“D-”or better).


Additional charges are applied when the student exceeds the number of units for an enrollment agreement. Stu-dents who change their major and complete courses that do not apply to the new major are required to complete an additional enrollment agreement for the extra units. Any student who retakes a course with a passing grade (“D-”or better) will be responsible for the full course cost, and required to complete an additional agreement for the units and course-related resource fees.



If the student has not been withdrawn from a course by the last day of week six, their final grade will be based on the points earned on all assignments ac-cepted by the instructor throughout the quarter, and in many cases, that final grade may be an “F.” Students will have to re-register and pay tuition and fees for any courses they fail to complete.

For classes that meet for the entire quarter, students have the first two weeks to add or drop a class. Charges for any dropped class(es) will be removed from the student’s tuition account and the class(es) will not appear on their transcript.

After the drop period, Education Department approv-al is required to withdraw from a course which would result in a grade “W” on the transcript. Students will be charged full tuition and fees when they re-register.

Students must acquire all required course materials before classes start. Books and supplies may be pur-chased at The FIDM Store on campus or at thefidm-

To qualify for Independent Study, a student must have a strong background in the subject matter or a valid reason determined by the college, and a 3.0 grade point average at FIDM. Qualified students are allowed one Independent Study during their program; however, for special circumstances as determined by a Chairperson, additional Independent Studies can be granted. Independent Study is typically available during the second year and must be approved by the Department Chairperson or the Education Depart-ment, and the instructor.

In some cases, students may challenge courses by participating in the Credit for Academically Rele-vant Experience (CARE) program. Information and application forms are available to students from the Education Department. Documentation of equivalent skills, employment, military training or subject matter expertise acquired through independent learning is required. Approval from the Dean of Academic Develop-ment is required before credit (15 units maximum) can be awarded. Students may appeal adverse decisions with the Vice President of Education. There is a $350 fee for each 3-unit course accepted through the CARE program.

Internships are opportunities for students to combine academic training with employment in fields related to their course of study. In addition, students apply classroom principles to “real life” situations and explore various career options while in their program. In order to qualify, students should meet with a Career Advisor, must maintain a minimum 3.0 grade point average, have proof of medical insurance, and be in the second, third, or fourth year of a FIDM undergraduate degree. Students enrolled in Professional Designa-tion, Bachelor’s, and Master’s degree programs are eligible to apply for internships after their first quarter. Internships must be secured and paperwork completed prior to the end of the quarter preceding the intern-ship’s start date (e.g., by the end of Winter quarter for an internship starting in Spring). To receive academic credit, students must confirm their plans with their department prior to applying and will be asked to com-plete specific coursework. International students may be eligible to complete internships, subject to federal/ state regulations.