*Section 485 requires the Secretary (i.e., the Department) to provide “descriptions of federal student assistance programs, including the rights and responsibilities of student and institutional par-ticipants,” including “information to enable students and prospective students to assess the debt burden and monthly and total repayment obligations” for their loans.

Section 485(d) also refers to information:

– to enable borrowers to assess the practical conse-quences of loan consolidation, including differences in deferment eligibility, interest rates, monthly payments, finance charges, and samples of loan consolidation profiles.

– concerning the specific terms and conditions under which students may obtain partial or total cancella-tion or defer repayment of loans for service.

– on the maximum level of compensation and allow-ances that a student borrower may receive from a tax-exempt organization to qualify for a deferment and shall explicitly state that students may qualify for such partial cancellations or deferments when they serve as a paid employee of a tax-exempt organization.

– on state and other prepaid tuition programs and savings programs; and disseminates such infor-mation to states, eligible institutions, students, and parents in departmental publications.