The Advanced Study Program in Theatre Costume Design is an intense, concentrated program designed to encompass the many aspects of costuming for the legitimate stage and the entertainment industry. The student learns costume crafts, costume design, costume construction, rendering, script analysis and breakdown, and the history of costume and décor. The Theatre Costume Design specialization prepares the exceptional student to enter the rigorous field of costuming for theatre and the entertainment industry.

What Our Students Learn In our program, students learn all aspects of the craft, from script analysis and the history of costume and décor to costume design and construction.

Why FIDM FIDM is uniquely poised at the heart of the West Coast’s entertainment and fashion industries to provide students with

specialized skills and opportunities for building a successful career in Theatre Costume Design.

Each year students in this Advanced Study Program design costumes around a theatrical theme, that are then presented at the DEBUT Runway Show to an audience including industry notables. Past themes have included Moulin Rouge, Les Misérables, and Phantom of the Opera.


(for students with a prior FIDM degree)

DESN 3040 Ideation & Construction for Costume I


DESN 3130 History of Costume & Decor I


DESN 3250 Theatre Analysis


DESN 3270 Drawing & Rendering for the Theatre I

DESN 3280 Costume Design for Theatre

DESN 3430 History of Costume & Décor II

DESN 3440 Ideation & Construction for Costume II

DESN 3450 Costume Crafts I

DESN 3470 Drawing & Rendering for the Theatre II

DESN 3680 Costume Crafts II

DESN 3730 History of Costume & Décor III

DESN 3840 Theatre Practice (Internship)

DESN 3870 Costume Crafts III

DESN 3940 Ideation & Construction for Costume III

Total Units of Credit

*Theatre Costume Design is not currently accepting enrollments.

This program starts in the fall on the Los Angeles campus.

One-on-one advisement is available to students from other FIDM Majors to consider eligibility for special admissions to this program. Contact the appropriate department chairperson.