The Advanced Study Program in Entertainment Set Design & Decoration is designed to provide a quality professional education that meets the needs of students entering the entertainment industry. The applied learner-centered program involves the students in problem-solving, best business practices, hands-on experience, set design, set decorating, and model building. The curriculum stresses the importance of teamwork and effective communication.

What Our Students Learn In our program, students learn hands-on techniques for designing and building models of sets. Students learn how to break down a script, utilize historical references, and understand the social, economic, cultural, and political factors that influence a project. On field trips, students meet industry experts and experience visiting prop houses, ordering props, watching the filming process, and more. Students learn about art and culture and get inspired about the design process from guest lecturers.

Why FIDM This program offers students the ultimate opportunity to work as interns on actual network television shows, feature films, and at prop houses.


One-on-one advisement is available to students from other FIDM Majors to consider eligibility for special admissions to this program. Contact the appropriate department chairperson.

Students get an intensive education studying with award-winning production designers and set decorators. They study current and past film, TV, and theatre productions for plotting of furniture layouts, budgets, furnishings, and accessories.


Prerequisite: FIDM degree in Interior Design or Visual Communications, or an external degree in a related field from an accredited college/university in which the language of instruction is English. Interview required.

**VCOM 3800 Internship (6 units) taken in 2 of the 3 quarters (12 units total)