Collaborative Community Safety

1. Increase public presence in the community through the implementation of an Auxiliary Officer Program

• Recruit volunteers who are invested in the community.

• Increase visibility of the PHPS at public events.

• Assist officers as needed.

2.  Foot Patrol

• With the added assistance of the Auxiliary Officer Program, foot patrol hours in the neighbourhoods and the downtown core will be increased.

3.  Training Sessions with Community Partners

• Schedule bi-annual training sessions with community partners to increase knowledge of the resources available in the community for those in need of services.

4.  Diversity Training

• Following the commitment made by the Municipality, complete diversity training for all officers and staff. This training will cover anti-racism, anti-oppression, diversity, inclusion and the history of Aboriginal Peoples.

5.  Transparent Referral Process

• Add new information to the PHPS website to inform the public on procedures involved in referring victims of gender-based violence, those experiencing mental health issues or at-risk youth to community partners.

• Add resources to the PHPS website for people with questions about where to seek help when they are in crisis.

6.  Response to Mental Health and De-Escalation

• Ensure all officers are trained in successful de-escalation techniques and crisis intervention. Response to Mental Health and De-Escalation

• Continue the partnership with the Mental Health Engagement and Response Team (MHEART) which provides expertise in responding to mental health calls.

• Continue work with Northumberland Hills Hospital in providing a safe referral regimen for those in a mental health crisis.