Item No. 9.1

Council Report: S 179/2020

Subject: Greyhound Canada Transportation ULC Agreement - Relief of Commissions Paid During COVID-19 - City Wide


Date to Council: December 16, 2020
Author: Tyson Cragg
Executive Director, Transit Windsor
519-944-4141 ext. 2232
Transit Windsor
Report Date: November 27, 2020
Clerk’s File #: MT/13786

To : Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the Environment, Transportation & Public Safety Standing Committee sitting as the Transit Windsor Board of Directors and City Council APPROVE the payment relief of commission fees of $3,750 monthly for the months of April to December 2020, which are outlined in the Greyhound Canada Transportation ULC agreement, for a total payment relief of $33,750 plus applicable HST.

Executive Summary:



When the Windsor International Transit Terminal (WITT) opened in 2007, Transit Windsor became the ticket agent for Greyhound Canada (Greyhound), which included selling tickets for the bus service. Transit Windsor earned commissions on Greyhound tickets sold based on a percentage of total sales. Annual commissions from Greyhound ticket sales were projected to be $175,000. With the increase of technology over the years such as online ticket sales, the anticipated revenue became unachievable. Administration worked with Greyhound to establish a continued partnership recognizing Transit Windsor was more than a commissioned ticket agent as Transit Windsor staff providing Greyhound customers with additional services and acted as customer service representatives, providing Greyhound arrival and departure information along with answering other trip inquiries.

In 2015, Transit Windsor and Greyhound amended the ticketing commission agreement to recognize the value of Transit Windsor services that were being provided. The new