These options can be divided into several broad categories:
Potential “Quick Wins”
These are segments where there are no significant obstacles to constructing the cycling infrastructure. Design and implementation can proceed right away, subject to funding and prioritization against other projects.
Longer-term Projects
These are segments where a preliminary preferred solution is apparent, but it requires road reconstruction, property acquisition, or there are other factors that would make implementation of the solution in the short term difficult.
Major Barriers
These are segments where no preferred solution is apparent, and cycling facilities will likely not be possible until significant barriers are addressed.
Potential “Quick Wins” – Wyandotte Corridor
The following projects are potential “quick wins:”
Devonshire to Monmouth: bicycle lanes can be constructed along this segment to eliminate a gap in the cycling network, as shown in Figure 4. This can be accomplished by removing the westbound right turn lane on Wyandotte Street at Devonshire Road and realigning the remaining lanes.
Westminster to East of Watson: the road network in this area allows a convenient alternate route, generally following Ontario Street, St. Rose Avenue, and Jerome Street, as shown in Figure 6.
This route would connect directly to a park (Riverside Baseball Park) and five schools (F.J. Brennan CHS, Corpus Christi Catholic Middle School, Dr. David Suzuki PS, St. Rose CES & Riverside SS) and likely be of benefit for students of two additional nearby schools (Princess Elizabeth PS & École élémentaire catholique Georges-P.-Vanier).
A preliminary review suggests that a local street bikeway (also called a bicycle priority street or bicycle boulevard) would be suitable for the route, except for the portion of the route through Riverside Baseball Park, which would be a multi-use trail. A summary of the key features of a local street bikeway is provided in Appendix 2.
This route would connect to future cycling routes already proposed in the Active Transportation Master Plan, including:
Westminster Boulevard
Jefferson Boulevard