emissions associated with the increased congestion caused by reducing the number of lanes. The net effect is a moderate decrease in emissions over time.

The Community Energy Plan 2017 supports the implementation of the Active Transportation Master Plan (Strategy 10); this strategy was reaffirmed as a priority 1 mitigation action in the Acceleration of Climate Change Actions in response to the Climate Change Emergency Declaration (report S 18/2020).

Climate Change Adaptation:

An increase in the number of summer days with temperatures above 30° Celsius has the potential to decrease the attractiveness of cycling as a transportation mode.

Typically, using local streets and park trails for cycling routes provides opportunities for urban greening. This urban greening can provide shade and mitigate urban heat island effects in ways that are often not available for cycling facilities along arterial roads and in “main street” areas.

Warmer winter temperatures may also encourage more year-round cycling activities.

Financial Matters:

No expenditures are associated with the report recommendations.

A number of bikeway projects were identified as candidates for potential acceleration.

Should Council direct that any of these projects proceed as high priority projects,

Administration will develop detailed cost estimates as part of the design process.

Construction of these projects will be subject to approval as per Purchasing By-law 93-

2012, as amended.


Dwayne Dawson, Operations

Shawna Boakes, Traffic Operations

Fahd Mikhael & Anna Godo, Engineering

Heidi Baillargeon, Parks

Karina Richters, Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change

Chris Carpenter, Legal

Michael Cooke & Kristina Tang, Planning

John Lee & Andrea DeJong, Windsor Fire & Rescue Services

Barry Horrobin, Insp. Andrew Randall, Sgt. Craig Judson & Sgt. Morgan Evans, Windsor Police Service