Luke to Lauzon Road in light of the passing of the Active Transportation Master Plan by City Council.

At its May 25, 2020 meeting, Council passed the following resolution:


That administration BE DIRECTED to report back on other projects in the queue or in the planning stages, that could be accelerated along with any implications, to help alleviate some of the active transportation pressures that the subject neighbourhood is enduring in the area of Wyandotte Street East, including the possibility of lane reductions from 4 lanes to 3.

This report provides the information requested in both resolutions.

The portion of Wyandotte Street East referred to in resolution CR563/2019 goes through the Riverside and Pillette Village BIAs (as well as the Ford City BIA, not referred to in the May 4, 2020 resolution). A map of the area referred to in this resolution is provided as Figure 1.

Figure 1: Wyandotte Street East (St. Luke Ave. To Lauzon Rd.)

Previous Reports

Report S 55/2017, “CQ56 - 2016 Wyandotte Street East Windsor Loop Connection,” was brought before Council at its June 17, 2017 meeting. This report recommended that a functional design study be carried out for Wyandotte Street East cycling infrastructure. Council directed that this recommendation be referred to Administration to await the completion of the Active Transportation Master Plan.

Report S 44/2018, “ Bicycle Road Safety Audits - Top Cycling Collision Locations ,” was brought before Council at its June 4, 2018 meeting. This report provided recommendations for the four City intersections with the highest number of cyclist collisions, including one intersection in the area identified in resolution CR563/2019 (Wyandotte Street East at Drouillard Road). The report identified short-term safety improvements to be implemented immediately and long-term improvements to be referred to the Active Transportation Master Plan (under development at the time) for consideration.