Using this methodology, Wyandotte Street East is a Class III Arterial based on the characteristics of the street. Level of Service ranges for a Class III Arterial are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Level of Service Descriptions (Source: Highway Capacity Manual)
Level of Service | Average Travel Speed | Description |
A | > 50 km/h | Free flow, traffic stream is unrestricted |
B | > 39 – 50 km/h | Reasonably free flow, traffic stream slightly restricted |
C | > 28 – 39 km/h | Stable flow, freedom to maneuver is noticeably restricted |
D | > 22 – 28 km/h | Approaching unstable flow, freedom to maneuver is more limited |
E | > 17 – 22 km/h | Unstable flow, operating at capacity |
F | ≤ 17 km/h | Forced or breakdown flow |
2020 Arterial Operations
2020 arterial operations are summarized in Table 2 and Table 3. In all results tables, colour coding is based on speed:
green: free flow (50 km/h)
red: stopped (0 km/h)
In the weekday AM peak hour under existing conditions, the arterial performance of Wyandotte Street East in the peak direction (westbound) was satisfactory overall, though with marginal conditions at isolated points (approaching Lauzon Road, approaching Pillette Road, and from approaching Walker Road into Walkerville, i.e. through Devonshire Rd.).
In the weekday PM peak hour under existing conditions, the arterial performance of Wyandotte Street East in the peak direction (eastbound) was satisfactory - though approaching marginal conditions - overall. Poor operations were noted through Walkerville (i.e. Devonshire Rd. through Walker Rd.), and marginal operations were noted approaching the lane drop at Watson Ave.
With the addition of traffic diverted from Riverside Drive (and no changes to signal timings), the overall travel time along the corridor increases, but the overall level of service does not change from existing conditions (weekday AM: LOS C; weekday PM: LOS D). In the weekday AM peak hour, approaching Pillette Road, operations degrade from marginal (LOS E) to poor (LOS) and from satisfactory (LOS D) to marginal (LOS E) approaching Watson Road. In the weekday PM peak hour, the level of service for individual approaches did not change.
Optimizing intersection splits at intersections with critical movements will address some, but not all, of the issues noted in existing conditions or that are exacerbated with the diversion of traffic from Riverside Drive. In the weekday AM peak hour, these signal timing adjustments improved operations to the point that the total travel time along the corridor was equal to that of existing operations. In the weekday PM peak period splits improve total travel time somewhat, but overall travel time through the corridor is still somewhat higher than for existing conditions.
With the reduction of lanes to allow for cycling facilities along the corridor (and re-optimization of intersection splits), arterial operations for motor vehicles are worsened. In the weekday AM peak hour, overall operations are marginal (LOS E) with marginal or poor (LOS E/F) operations for certain segments. In the weekday PM peak hour, overall operations are poor (LOS F) with marginal or poor (LOS E/F) operations for most segments.