Figure 3: Existing Bicycle Lanes – Wyandotte Street East (Red)

The ATMP identifies Wyandotte Street East as a multi-modal corridor. The ATMP provides the following description:

Multi-Modal Corridors

The proposed bicycle network includes several multi-modal corridors, which are major streets that need further review to consider how they will accommodate active transportation given other competing priorities. [...] Along these corridors there is a need to have an established process to consider the mobility of all modes and competing needs when implementing bicycle facilities. These streets are s ome of Windsor’s main travel corridors, serving a variety of vehicle types and modes while playing an important role in the City’s transportation system.

These multi-modal corridors will require more in-depth analysis through specific corridor studies or Environmental Assessments. Recognizing that these corridors serve desire lines within the bicycle network, these studies can determine whether bicycle facilities can be accommodated on the corridors or adjacent streets. As growth occurs within Windsor, additional corridors, or segments of identified corridors, may be designated as multi-modal corridors requiring additional study.

It is important to note that as part of a complete and connected bicycle network that meets the needs of all users, there is still a place for complementary, non-AAA facilities such as painted bicycle lanes.


Lane Reductions on Wyandotte Street East

To determine the feasibility of lane reductions on Wyandotte Street East, a corridor review was carried out.

Details of this review are provided in Appendix 1. The key points from the review are summarized below: