Administration estimates that an initial budget of at least $75,000 would be required to patch (potholes) all affected alleys in order to minimize surface irregularities and a further $20,000 each subsequent year to maintain that standard. This does not account for any capital upgrades which will ultimately be required to prevent further degradation. The cost to rehabilitate all of the alleys which currently receive garbage pickup would be in excess of $40 million.

The cost to clear and maintain vegetation in the affected alleys is equally difficult to accurately assess. Given the information at hand, an estimated cost of $500-$600 per block would be required, or approximately $100,000 annually for the alleys discussed in this report. Should any built up soil or grass areas beside fence lines require removal, additional funds would be required.

Option 2:

There is no significant financial impact to the current collection contract in relocating garbage collection curbside, where possible. Although the City of Windsor’s collection contractor (GFL) views this as a material change to the contract, they have indicated that they would not seek financial compensation.

There is a potential for savings to be realized during the next RFP process should garbage be relocated out of the alley. The current contract is very specific to the size of trucks used, requiring one of the smallest compaction vehicles on the market, to accommodate alley collection. However, these vehicles are not commonly used and are often difficult to source. A similar contract without truck size specification could result a more competitive bid compared to a contract specifying the current collection vehicles. As previously mentioned, waste collection curbside could also lead to cost efficiencies with organic collection.


Mike Havens, District Manager, GFL Environmental

Phong Nguy, Manager of Contracts, Field Services and Maintenance

Paul Giroux, City Forester

Cindy Becker, Financial Planning Administrator – Public Works


Moving current alley garbage collection routes to the street is expected to result in significant savings. Should Council wish to pursue relocating garbage collection from most alleys, it is recommended that public and stakeholder consultation be conducted