September 15, 2020

City of Windsor
City Solicitor & City Clerk
400 City Hall Square East, Suite 201
Windsor, ON NBA 7K6

Attention: Shelby Askin Hager‘ and Valerie Critchley

Dear Ms. Askin Hager and Ms. Critchley:

Re: Site Plan Control Agreement for SPC-043/ 18

Owner —Rosati Development Corp.

525 S. 535 Cabana Road East, Windsor

Council adopted the site-specific Zoning By—Law Amendment121-2020 on August 24, 2020 pertaining to lands municipally known as 525 and 535 Cabana Road East. In brief, the Amendment focused exclusively on expanding the permitted uses of the property. Considering the history and the existing OMB governing the property, it was not possible to finalize our site plans until we were reasonably certain it would be passed.

When it became likely that the ZBA would he been approved, we were able to return to finalize the site plan and design. Through this process, it was determined that minor charges to the existing zoning provisions are required to fully implement the proposed development set out in the approval Zoning By-Law Amendment and Ontario Municipal Board order.

Please be advised that the Minor Variance application will be seeking relief from the following zoning regulations applied to the property:

  1. Relief from Section 25.5505 to permit a reduction in the size of the Landscaped Open Space Island to 2.10m from the required 2.50m.

  2. Relief from Section 25.520 to permit reduction in setback from the road to 1.4m, current requirement is 8.0m;

In light of the two—year moratorium on minor variances to amend site-specific: zoning by-Law amendments. Rosati Development Corp. respectfully requests that Council pass a resolution to permit the Development and Heritage Standing Committee to hear our Minor Variance Application.