APPENDIX G - Consultations


TO: Greg Atkinson, Planner III Adam Somczak, Planner III

CC: Juan Paramo, Transportation Planning Engineer

FROM: left Hagan, Transportation Planning Engineer

DATE: July 21, 2020

SUBJECT: Comments on Transportation Impact Study and Parking Study, Z-009/20 (1200 University Avenue West) 

We have reviewed the following reports submitted in support of the above-noted application:

Comments on both reports are provided below.

Comments Common to Both Reports

1. The TIS and parking memo both conclude that the residential component of the development will experience a significant non-auto mode share; this conclusion is the basis for the two reports’ recommendations and conclusions regarding the traf•c impact and parking demand that is anticipated to occur as a result of the development. To help ensure that the forecast non-auto mode share is realized, the following measures are recommended for consideration:

  1. Increasing the bicycle parking supply requirement. As a starting point for discussion, a requirement of 53 bicycle spaces is recommended:

    1. The parking memo proposes a reduction in the auto parking supply requirement for the residential component of the development by 43 spaces (normal requirement: 153 spaces; proposed: 110 spaces).

    2. Together, the proposed parking supply for the commercial component of the development (23 spaces) and the normal requirement for the residential component (153 spaces) would require a minimum of 10 bicycle parking spaces.

    3. The normal minimum number of bicycle parking spaces (10 spaces) plus the proposed reduction in auto parking spaces (43 spaces) together yield 53 spaces.

  2. Requiring that bicycle parking for residents be designed as secure, Iong-term bicycle parking, either in an indoor bicycle parking area or outdoor secure bike lockers.

  3. “Unbundling” auto parking (Le. renting on-site parking separately, rather than including a parking space in the rental fee for the dwelling unit).