Because the Grant Program does not cancel taxes, the owner must pay the full amount of property taxes annually and will subsequently receive a grant for the difference between the pre and post-development municipal taxes (i.e. the tax increment). The City will retain the amount of pre-development (base) municipal taxes throughout the lifespan of the grant program; however will be foregoing any incremental property taxes that could otherwise be used to offset future budget pressures.


The Downtown CIP was subject to stakeholder and public consultation as part of the approval process, including public meetings, a statutory public meeting and circulation among internal City staff and the Province.

Planning staff have consulted with the owner prior to accepting the application. Staff from the Planning and Building Division were consulted in the preparation of this report.


It is recommended that the application for the Building/Property Improvement Tax Increment Grant Program and the New Residential Development Grant Program be approved.


Name Title
Josie Gualtieri Financial Planning Admin.
Neil Robertson Manager of Urban Design
Thom Hunt City Planner/Executive Director of Planning and Building Services
Wira Vendrasco Deputy City Solicitor
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor
Janice Guthrie Deputy Treasurer Taxation and Financial Planning
Janice Guthrie On behalf of Chief Financial Officer/City Treasurer
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer


Name Address Email
Ray Blanchard 957 St. Louis Ave Windsor, ON N8S 2K6


  1. Appendix A - Location Map

  2. Appendix B - Current Building and Proposed Improvements