Neighbourhood Map:



2018 November 19

Council approves Housekeeping Amendment 2017-3 which adds Transport Terminal definition and provisions to Zoning By-laws

2019 March 27

Building Division conducts city wide Transport Terminal enforcement blitz

2019 April 4

Building Division issues an Order to Comply (File 19-188654)

2019 June 3

Council approves Interim Control By-law 78-2019 (ICBL)

2020 October 14

Jackie Lassaline, agent, Lassaline Planning Consultants, submits a request for an exemption from Interim Control By-law 78-2019 on behalf of Amex Freight.

2020 October 22

Planning staff circulate a Pre-submission Application (PS-065/20) submitted by the Agent, to determine what information is required to submitted with a potential Site Plan Control application.


The Building Division conducted a citywide enforcement blitz on March 27, 2019 that identified 26 parcels, including the subject parcel, with Transport Terminals that violated the Zoning By-law or lacked site plan approval pursuant to the Site Plan Control By-law. An Order to Comply was issued on April 4, 2019.

The order is in abeyance pending Council’s consideration of this exemption request and site plan approval.