b. directing the development of new housing towards locations where appropriate levels of infrastructure and public service facilities are or will be available to support current and projected needs;

c. promoting densities for new housing which efficiently use land, resources, infrastructure and public service facilities, and support the use of active transportation and transit in areas where it exists or is to be developed; and”

Approving the Draft Plan of Subdivision would support residential development using the infrastructure that is already in place, instead of requiring more expenditure on new infrastructure in a greenfield setting. In terms of supporting active transportation and transit, The proposed Plan of Subdivision is in close proximity to Transit Windsor service. The development contains an Active Transportation Connection to the development to the south that provides walking and cycling opportunities and leads to commercial uses and institutional facilities at the Howard/Cabana node.

Official Plan:

The subject lands are designated Residential in the City of Windsor Official Plan. This designation permits the low profile single unit residential development proposed. The City of Windsor Official Plan also contains policies that encourage the efficient use of existing infrastructure, promotes residential redevelopment as well as residential intensification. As such, the proposed development is consistent with the Official Plan.


The subject lands are zoned Residential District 1.1 (HRD1.1) with a hold provision to ensure the property is developed to municipal standards by way of a plan of subdivision. This zone permits the construction of single unit dwellings on 15.0 m lots. The application proposes to create parcels that will comply with and exceed the zone regulations of the existing RD 1.1 zone category. The developer can apply to remove the hold provision once the Plan has Final Registration.

Block 87 will be the site of a storm water retention facility that will be conveyed to the City. As such, the storm water management facility can be zoned to the Green District (GD1.5) Zone. The GD1.5 zone is specifically designed for storm water management facilities.