analysis set out above indicates the proposal is consistent with the PPS and conforms to the Official Plan. The recommended zoning and direction to Site Plan Control addresses matters that have arisen through consultation with internal City departments and external organizations.

Mix of Uses

The CD 2.2. district permits dwelling units within a combined use building and requires that they be located above non-residential uses. This requirement implements Official Plan policy, which directs commercial uses to be located immediately adjacent to the public right-of-way and residential uses above grade. The subject site is unique in that the existing buildings, which are planned for commercial uses are located at the street and the multiple dwelling is proposed behind the existing buildings to infill the deep property. The proposal resembles a neighbourhood mixed use centre described in policy (b) as the site contains a mix of uses but not within the same building. The exception is that the site is located along a mixed use corridor, rather than at a node (e.g. intersection of two arterial roads). An example of a mixed use area that contains a mix of uses within separate buildings along a corridor occurs in the Walkerville neighbourhood: north of Wyandotte Street East, west of Argyle Road, south of Assumption Street, and east of Chilver Road.

Accordingly, it is recommended that multiple dwelling be included as an additional permitted use for the area described as Part 1 on Registered Plan 12R-28391 (see Appendix I). This would allow a stand-alone residential building with dwelling units on the ground floor as toward the rear of the site and would ensure ground floor residential use cannot be located adjacent to University Avenue West in the future.

Building Height

The requested increase is building height (i.e. from 14 to 19 metres) is consistent with the Mixed Use areas within the vicinity of Downtown and University of Windsor. The conceptual site plan shows the proposed multiple dwelling building located along the west side of the site to minimize impact on the existing residential dwellings on Elm Avenue. The building includes 2 stories of structured parking and 5 storeys containing dwelling units. Due to the significantly lower grade toward the middle and rear of the site the proposed building would appear to be 5 storeys when viewed from University Avenue West. Building and site design details will be addressed though Site Plan Control.

Bachelor Units Less Than 40 m 2

The rezoning requests that 53 dwelling units be permitted to have less than the minimum required gross floor area set out in section of the Zoning By-law (i.e. 31 m 2 instead of 40 m 2 ). A sample floor plan for a bachelor dwelling unit has