October 14, 2020 


Adam Szymczak
Senior Planner,
City of Windsor

SUBJECT: Request for Excemption ICB on Transportation Terminal

- 4455 Division Road (adjacent to airport)

- City of Windsor

Council passed an Interim Control Bylaw (ICB) 78-2019 to prohibit all Transport Terminals in the Manufacturing Districts 1. and 2. Zone identified in Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 85-18 for the City of Windsor.

Harpreet Multani presently owns Amex Freight located in Smith Industrial Park in Amherstburg and ICS Truck Repair located on Walker Road. Both facilities are of high quality and very reputable facilities.

Mr. Multani has entered into a purchase agreement with the subject lands located 4455 Division Road with the intent of establishing a new Transportation Terminal on site. The subject lands are zoned ‘Manufacturing District 2.1 (MD2.1) ’ in the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw for the City of Windsor. The (MD2.1) zone permits a Transportation Terminal as a principal use on the subject lands. The applicant is interested in applying for an exemption from the Interim Control By-law (IBC) respecting transportation terminals to allow for the proper and orderly development of this site as a transportation terminal.

The applicant’s intent is to proceed through pre-consultation to determine what information will be required for a complete Site Plan Control application and acquire an exemption from the ICB. The applicant is proposing to undertake the following in order to support the requested pre-consultation, request for exemption and subsequent site plan control application: a noise and vibration study to ensure compliance of use with the neighbourhood; a Storm Water Management (SWM) report; and a site servicing plan to confirm capacity and connect to municipal services. I have attached the pre-con application providing you with present zoning; an aerial plan of the property; a draft site plan showing a concept of the development of the site.