LOADING COMPOUND is an industrial activity and means a lot used for the marshalling, sorting, loading and unloading of automobiles, trucks, and other vehicles for shipment to other destinations, within a defined or enclosed area, and which may contain fixed ramps or other such devices for the purpose of loading or unloading automobiles, trucks and other vehicles. An outdoor storage yard , parking area , or transport storage area is not a loading compound .

TRANSPORT TERMINAL is an industrial activity and means premises used to dispatch, park, repair, service, or store freight-carrying trucks and trailers including a transport truck and a transport trailer, and may include as an accessory use , the loading or unloading of goods or freight to or from, or transferring of goods or freight between, said trucks and trailers. A truck transportation facility or truck terminal is a transport terminal .A loading compound , motor vehicle dealership , outdoor storage yard , parking area , or towing facility is not a transport terminal .

TRANSPORT STORAGE AREA means that portion of a transport terminal located outdoors used to load, manoeuvre, park, repair, service, store, or unload a transport truck or transport trailer . A loading compound , loading space , motor vehicle dealership , outdoor storage yard , parking area , or towing facility is not a transport storage area .

WAREHOUSE means a building used for the storage of parts, materials, equipment or other goods and products and may include their loading, unloading, packaging, repacking, or unpacking. A self-storage facility or transport terminal is not a warehouse .

YARD means an open space, which is located on the same lot as a building or other structure and is unoccupied and unobstructed from ground to sky except for any encroachments not prohibited by this by-law.

EXTERIOR SIDE YARD means the side yard of a corner lot between an exterior side lot line and the nearest wall of a main building on such lot .

FRONT YARD means a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line and the nearest wall of a main building on such lot .

LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE YARD means a yard used for landscaped open space , patios, terraces, decks, and pedestrian walkways.

OUTDOOR STORAGE YARD means a yard which has a minimum area of 10.0 m 2 and is used for storage. A loading compound , parking area , transport storage area , or transport terminal is not an outdoor storage yard .

REAR YARD means a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the rear lot line or the intersection of the side lot lines , and the nearest wall of a main building on such lot .

REQUIRED YARD means for the purpose of Section 5.35 any of required front yard , required rear yard , required side yard, or required landscaped open space yard .

SIDE YARD means a yard extending from the front yard to the rear yard between the side lot line and the nearest wall of the main building on such lot .



5.1.1 The provisions in this Section apply to all lands, buildings, and structures subject to this by-law, unless otherwise stated in this by-law.


5.67.1 In any MD1. or MD2. zoning district ,a required yard shall be maintained exclusively as a landscaped open space yard , save and except that an access area may cross a required yard .


Within a required yard , a refuse container, a loading space, an outdoor storage yard, or the display, loading, parking, repairing, servicing, storing or unloading of a commodity, equipment, material, motor vehicle , transport truck , or transport trailer is prohibited.