Climate Change Adaptation:


Financial Matters:

While there are no financial matters to be considered at this time, it should be noted that there are various financial incentives offered as part of this CIP. There are primarily five active CIP’s which are quickly depleting the identified funding sources for various grants and incentives. The addition of this CIP will put further strain on the financial resources which remain available. During the period in which this particular CIP is being considered Administration will be undertaking a full financial review and will bring forward a funding strategy for City Council’s consideration.


Planning staff will consult the public regarding the draft CIP and make edits to the report to reflect the public comments.

Additionally, Planning staff will continue to work with other City Departments (Engineering, Transportation Planning, Parks, Legal Services, Finance) to recommend a final comprehensive CIP to the Development and Heritage Standing Committee in January 2021.


The University Avenue West and Wyandotte Street West Community Improvement Plan is being tabled until the January 2021 meeting of the Development & Heritage Standing Committee (DHSC) to give DHSC members and the public time to review the Study.

The draft should be read in conjunction with the previously released CIP Background Report and attached as Appendix B to this report.

Consideration will occur at the January DHSC meeting, which will be the Public Meeting as required under the Planning Act. The CIP, staff report, and the recommendation of DHSC will be considered for final decision by City Council in 2021.

Planning Act Matters:


Name Title
Neil Robertson Manager of Urban Design
Thom Hunt City Planner/Executive Director Planning and Building Servicesof