Windsor Fire and Rescue Service:

No concerns from WFRS on this application.

Public Works:

The subject lands are located at 3129 Lauzon Rd, is currently zoned Residential District 1.1 (RD1.1) by Zoning By-Law 8600. The Applicant is requesting an amendment the zoning to a site-specific Residential District 2.5 (RD2.5), to allow for the construction of a 4 building Multiple Dwelling development with 96 units. We have reviewed the servicing requirements of the subject lands pertinent to this application, and offer the following comments:

Sewers – This site is currently serviced by a 300mm reinforced concrete pipe sanitary sewer located within the southbound lane of Lauzon Rd, with a 150mm PVC private drain connection for the former single family residence that once occupied this land. There is also an 825mm reinforced concrete pipe storm sewer located within the northbound lane of Lauzon Rd.

A Servicing Study is required to demonstrate that there is adequate capacity in the municipal sanitary and storm sewer networks. It must be demonstrated that no negative impacts will be realized by existing areas adjacent to the proposed development. This study must be completed in accordance with the City of Windsor Development Manual and the Windsor/Essex Regional Stormwater Management Standards.

ERCA – ERCA approval is required before this development may proceed, as this site is directly abutting the Little River and is within the flood plain.

Right-of-Way - The Official Plan classifies Lauzon Rd as a Class I Collector road, requiring a right-of-way width of 26.0m. The current right-of-way width is 20.1m; therefore; a 2.95m wide land conveyance is required along the entire Lauzon Rd frontage. The owner will be required to obtain a permit for any work within the Right-of-Way.

In summary we have no objection to the proposed Zoning and Official Plan amendments. The Engineering Department recommends the following conditions be included as requirements of the zoning amendment approval:

Site Plan Control Agreement - The applicant enter into an agreement with the City of Windsor for all requirements under the General Provisions of the Site Plan Control Agreement for the Engineering Department.

Servicing Study – The owner agrees, at its own expense, to retain a Consulting Engineer to provide a detailed servicing study report on the impact of the increased flow to the existing municipal sewer systems, satisfactory in content to the City Engineer and prior to the issuance of a construction permit.

The study shall review the proposed impact and recommend mitigating measures and implementation of those measures.

ERCA Requirements – The owner(s) further agrees to follow all drainage and flood proofing recommendations of the Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) may have with respect to the subject land, based on final approval by the City Engineer. If applicable, the Owner will obtain all necessary permits from ERCA with respect to the drainage works on the subject lands.